IPS Driver Error.

Without doubt, this problem is getting worse. I've received this error message 17 times in the last 10 minutes in every part of the forum.

Yep, I counted them.

Can someone inform the powers that be about this, or will I have to pm them myself. It needs looking at, please.

I've been getting it too!

Me to.

Here we go again. I'm sick up to my back teeth of seeing this thing tonight.

So if I manage to post this, I'm logging off.

Just out of interest, are the powers that be aware of this?


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Sorry about the problems everyone. I'm looking into moving the forum to a new server,

or trying to get the existing one optimized.


Thanks for the heads up MrG.

Sorry about the problems everyone. I'm looking into moving the forum to a new server,

or trying to get the existing one optimized.


OK Mr G :lol:

Just so everyone knows, it's best to fire an email to the webmaster when these problems occur should they occur more than once. Though I wouldn't continue to try to access the site after that.

When you see an IPS Driver Error, an error log is generated with the time, date and more important information to determine the source of the issue.