
does ccleaneer wipe out uploaded music that i uploaded as utorrent and isohunt???

i had the ipod connected when i did this

after i ceaned i lost lots of music on my ipod/itunes.

i did use some other cleaners, but CCleaner seems to be the most powerful

any ideas?

i also use ultimat defrag,

and can i recover with revcuva

LOTS of music gone

Did you keep the music in temp files?

Did you keep the music in temp files?

I have no idea.

I dowload from isohunt to U torrents, and then bring the music into the ipod as a from the folder onmy desktop.

After I did that, I usually save the music to my external hard drive, but this timwe I did not, since I am trying to save space...

First time this has happened.

SO cccleaner also cleansITUNES????????

It seems aas if it wiped out only the utorrent stuff... :angry:

As far as I know CC will only clean files on the c, or system, hard drive. If you want to clean files on other drives they have to be included in the Options - Include section. I assume you haven't done this.

Have you actually lost anything that's on the ipod, or have you lost something that enables you to play music through your pc from the ipod, or lost files which were on your pc waiting to be transferred to your ipod?

CC is, like many houshold products, a fairly mild cleaner. Rgds.

does ccleaneer wipe out uploaded music that i uploaded as utorrent and isohunt???

i had the ipod connected when i did this

after i ceaned i lost lots of music on my ipod/itunes.

i did use some other cleaners, but CCleaner seems to be the most powerful

any ideas?

i also use ultimat defrag,

and can i recover with revcuva

LOTS of music gone

Hello my2divots,

It is very hard to help you without the following.

These answers helps evaluate your problem.Just fill in answers next to questions?

CCleaner version ?

OS and version ?

Browsers and ver.?

Security software and ver?

Provide a list of your Applications tab.

Other data you think might be relevant?

What did you do and then what happened?


:) davey

As far as I know CC will only clean files on the c, or system, hard drive. If you want to clean files on other drives they have to be included in the Options - Include section. I assume you haven't done this.

Have you actually lost anything that's on the ipod, or have you lost something that enables you to play music through your pc from the ipod, or lost files which were on your pc waiting to be transferred to your ipod?

CC is, like many houshold products, a fairly mild cleaner. Rgds.

Hi: the files are on the IPOD but not in the I TUNES ( the software on the pc) IN ITUNES, there is

, have an exclamation point, indicating "no longer there:when i go to click and play while in ITUNES...they are not there.

They re on the IPOD and do work on the IPOD



I have no idea.

I dowload from isohunt to U torrents, and then bring the music into the ipod as a from the folder onmy desktop.

After I did that, I usually save the music to my external hard drive, but this timwe I did not, since I am trying to save space...

First time this has happened.

SO cccleaner also cleansITUNES????????

It seems aas if it wiped out only the utorrent stuff... :angry:

Hi my2divots,

It seems to me you have just about answered your own question. B)

Do you think CCleaner somehow benefits by removing utorrent stuff ? :unsure:

Piriform does not sell or license or have any restrictions against what you might put into your iTUNES files. :D

Gee, now we have to figure out who would do such a thing and probably has it in their fine print license agreement with

their users. :o Better keep that External hard drive handy until you figure somewhere else on your "C" drive to keep it.

Definitely not in iTUNES.

Best Wishes,

:) davey

I honestly thought this thread was going to be locked because of his download of music illegally.....

Just my 2 cents.


I honestly thought this thread was going to be locked because of his download of music illegally.....

Just my 2 cents.


according to my attorney, and their website, it is not illegal. peer to peer.

Hahaha...peer to peer is your argument??? Music that you do not own cannot be downloaded for your own use unless you pay for it, or if the musician is giving it away for free. That is illegal. Some programs, like Linux distros or other free programs and documents, are fine to download, but most media, including movies, tv shows, and music aren't to be downloaded.

Unless you don't live in the USA, and live in one of those countries where there are now pirating laws.

Anyone else out here can tell me directly if I'm dead wrong??? I'm pretty sure I'm right.


Hahaha...peer to peer is your argument??? Music that you do not own cannot be downloaded for your own use unless you pay for it, or if the musician is giving it away for free. That is illegal. Some programs, like Linux distros or other free programs and documents, are fine to download, but most media, including movies, tv shows, and music aren't to be downloaded.

Unless you don't live in the USA, and live in one of those countries where there are now pirating laws.

Anyone else out here can tell me directly if I'm dead wrong??? I'm pretty sure I'm right.


i just read all the stuff that u torrent says, so i am confused now...anyway thanks

Anyone else out here can tell me directly if I'm dead wrong???

You're dead right AFAIK. If you're downloading music that isn't being specifically given away free (by the artist or record company) then you're downloading illegally and you should sack your attorney :rolleyes: (peer to peer is not an argument, around 90% of p2p downloads are illegal)

Unless you don't live in the USA, and live in one of those countries where there are now pirating laws.

Anyone else out here can tell me directly if I'm dead wrong??? I'm pretty sure I'm right.


Meant to say "and live in one of those countries where there aren't pirating laws.

You're dead right AFAIK. If you're downloading music that isn't being specifically given away free (by the artist or record company) then you're downloading illegally and you should sack your attorney :rolleyes: (peer to peer is not an argument, around 90% of p2p downloads are illegal)

Thank you.

On topic....No- CCleaner does not go after torrent files by default. The files must have been put in a folder where CCleaner looks to clean.