Internet Problems

I'm a new user and would be grateful for help. After I run CCleaner, I cannot connect to the Internet at all, even after I disconnect and re-connect. I have to do a sytem restore and re-connect to get connected again. Can someone tell me which ticked box is causing the problem?

I'm running Vista with an ADSL modem/router.

Thanks in advance for the help because I do like CCleaner and want to continue to use it.

I'm a new user and would be grateful for help. After I run CCleaner, I cannot connect to the Internet at all, even after I disconnect and re-connect. I have to do a sytem restore and re-connect to get connected again. Can someone tell me which ticked box is causing the problem?

I'm running Vista with an ADSL modem/router.

Thanks in advance for the help because I do like CCleaner and want to continue to use it.

Hello Philip,

Welcome to the forum. :D

I look back to not too long ago and the same thing happened to me.

Believe me I was as green as green could be as a "newbie" to The Windows internals and CCleaner.

Thank goodness CCleaner gave me some breathing room.My PC was so clogged up.

What happens is that when you first clean up,you then lose all Web type data related to sites and such.This also includes "COOKIES" and URL data that helps you to Connect to sites and servers and such.

For right now I would turn off the Cookies ,History and Recently typed URLs at Cleaner > Windows tab > Internet Explorer list.

Do this this until you get your "Cookies to keep" squared away at Options > Cookies. Keep the cookies to your favorite sites.You don't need a long list unless you are registered at many sites.

Also turn the option to clean Adobe Flash Player at Cleaner > Applications > Multimedia list > Adobe Flash Player. Many "popular" websites store encrypted data in those files.

Use the Guide to help you. CCleaner Beginner's Bookmark and save to Favorites

Try Microsoft update to get you connected to the net and then start linking to other sites from there.

This will start filling in your "COOKIES" and History and such. Don't run CCleaner until you get things squared away then you will find it is easy to reconnect again Even after running CCleaner.

If you can't get through to MS Update then you have some other issues.This was the only way I could get back to net for me also.

Come back and fill us in.

Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. Since you are using Vista the System Restore puts back a lot more data than WinXP System Restore.

P.S.S. Forgot to mention that I also "manually" cleaned out some MS files where it keeps some data to build new index.dat files.That was an inexperienced "no-no".Oops my fault.Told you my PC was clogged didn't I. :lol:

If it's hardware related have you tried to restart your system, sometimes that will cure problems. Unless of course it's cookie related like davey's post suggests, then you'd just have to get those cookies back.


Actually if it's hardware related you'd be better off doing a cold boot, i.e.; do a full shutdown (not a restart), then start your computer via it's power button.

Welcome to Piriform Philip.

I'm a new user and would be grateful for help. After I run CCleaner, I cannot connect to the Internet at all, even after I disconnect and re-connect. I have to do a sytem restore and re-connect to get connected again. Can someone tell me which ticked box is causing the problem?

I'm running Vista with an ADSL modem/router.

Are you running ZoneAlarm?

I've heard today that if you have ZoneAlarm installed and you do a Windows update you could loose your internet connection.

Are you using Internet Explorer or another browser?

Check Control Panel - Internet Options - Connection and make sure your ISP is still listed.

I believe you have to change the Internet Zone Security permission slider to medium. This is the advice given by ISP's to get around this problem. There are conficts with Windows updates and ZoneAlarm. ;)

Google Search

Are you running ZoneAlarm?

I've heard today that if you have ZoneAlarm installed and you do a Windows update you could loose your internet connection.

If that's it then users of ZoneAlarm need to update as a new version was just released that addresses the problem.

Thanks for the idear guys, but I don't yet have the solution. I already had the Cookie/URL delete turned off and I am not running Zone alarm but the Vista Firewall. When I say I cannot connect to the Net after a CCleaner run, I am I am totally unable to connect and my ADSL modem is tellin/showing me that I am not connected, as with a red cross on the Windows schematic. I cannot connect to anything, even sites I know that do not require cookies.

I suspect it is something in the Advanced settings because it was only after I opened these that I have had problems.

Any more ideas? I'd appreciate the help.

I suspect it is something in the Advanced settings because it was only after I opened these that I have had problems.

Any more ideas? I'd appreciate the help.


I suggest being less ambitious !!!

With a restored system that connects to the internet :-

Run CCleaner with all 9 off Advanced settings unchecked, test Internet to make sure it is not broken by anything else;

Mark one of the 9 check boxes in advanced settings, run CCleaner, test Internet etc. etc.

Mark another check box in advanced settings, run CC and test internet etc. etc.

and so on and so on.

Finally, Internet will be broken and you now know what box killed it, and you can refrain from doing that one again, or you can come back for more specific advice - or just possibly the system might have mended itself !!!

nb Once you identify which box killed it, restore the system and resume testing the subsequent boxes - perhaps there might be more than one killer box.

The only boxes I have checked under Advanced are "Old Prefetch Data" and "Custom Files and Folders".




Run CCleaner with all 9 off Advanced settings unchecked, test Internet to make sure it is not broken by anything else;

Mark one of the 9 check boxes in advanced settings, run CCleaner, test Internet etc. etc.

Mark another check box in advanced settings, run CC and test internet etc. etc.

and so on and so on.

Finally, Internet will be broken and you now know what box killed it, and you can refrain from doing that one again, or you can come back for more specific advice - or just possibly the system might have mended itself !!!

nb Once you identify which box killed it, restore the system and resume testing the subsequent boxes - perhaps there might be more than one killer box.

Thanks Alan. Yes, I guess that's the only real solution. I'm having to do a Vista System restore each time I run CCleaner, so it's will be a time-consuming process. I was hoping that someone might have had the same problem already and have already gone through this process!!

Thanks again for the input.


Thanks Alan. Yes, I guess that's the only real solution. I'm having to do a Vista System restore each time I run CCleaner, so it's will be a time-consuming process. I was hoping that someone might have had the same problem already and have already gone through this process!!

Thanks again for the input.


Hi again Philip,

Maybe I can save you a couple of more restores.I say maybe.

Not many people report your problem,just a few out of millions.

Please turn off that option I told you about for Adobe Flash Player.Some users think that the Windows Tab and Applications tab mean 2 different cleaning tasks.The two tabs should be considered as one long cleaning list.Once you learn a little more about Flash Cookies then you can selectively Exclude them from cleaning.I just leave that option off for now.

As far as the Advanced options are concerned I warn most users to leave them off.I leave on the Custom files and folders only because I have a few special files that I want cleaned and I use the Include entries to do this.All the other Advanced options do things that most users don't like the results.

You can "search" the forums for more info on the Advanced options if you really know what you are doing.They don't improve the performance of your PC.In most cases just the opposite for awhile.

Good luck,

:) davey Thanks for reporting back.

P.S. BTW to help others in your situation can you tell us how you normally connect to the Internet.This info may help find a solution.


I am sorry, my explanation was to concise. This has never happened before !!!

I omitted to explain a stage I deliberately omitted from my recommendation.

It is too late for Philip, but this may help others who see and act upon this thread.


I suggested SYSTEM RESTORE at the point where you have broken the system,

but if you are carefully checking only one extra option at a time,

and running CCleaner with that extra option,

if you test the system and determine it is not broken,

then you can check and test the next option,

only when you have broken the system do you need to do a SYSTEM RESTORE.

End of explanation



Dear Alan and Davey,

Thanks for the help. I stitched off the Adobe Flash player and I unchecked all in Advanced except for Prefetch and Files. Problem gone. There's something I suspect in those other Advanced options that is interfering with internet connectivity. Is it woth reporting this problem?

Thanks again for the help,


Dear Alan and Davey,

Thanks for the help. I stitched off the Adobe Flash player and I unchecked all in Advanced except for Prefetch and Files. Problem gone. There's something I suspect in those other Advanced options that is interfering with internet connectivity. Is it woth reporting this problem?

Thanks again for the help,


Hello Phil,

Thanks for reporting back.As far as the "problem" is concerned you can consider it reported.You see what is a "problem" for you is just the way that it is set up for Advanced users to do some "special" things that most users do not want done. The same goes for Adobe Flash Player "Flash Cookies" which I think is really affecting your connecting to the Internet. It could be something in Advanced cleaning options but it would require you turning Adobe Flash Player cleaning back on and seeing if that causes you the "problem" again. It may result in you having to restore again but I would certainly like to know.

Are you willing to do it again?


:) davey

I have the same problem every time I use CCleaner on Windows 10. Everytime I had to click on the internet icon, then right click on trouble shoot problems and it will fix the problem. However this is very frustrating and I started using the free version of {rival software} and I am very pleased.

As you say this is a very old thread and so is not relevant to Windows 10, or the latest versions of CCleaner.

Windows 10 versions 1903 and 1909 have know issues with some wifi connections, this is marked as 'resolved' but isn't (until you update your wifi driver) and there are other wifi issues that aren't noted on the Microsoft official page.

My 1909 ocasionally (usually) won't automatically connect to wifi on boot-up, but it's a Windows 10 issue not CCleaner.

(For a while it wouldn't even show any wifi networks at all).

My solution was to write a quick batch file to connect to wifi.

Type the following into notedpad, adding the name of the wifi router that you want to connect to (no space after the=)

netsh wlan connect name=

You need the 'name=' and then your wifi name.

Save it to your desktop with a '.bat' extension (eg. Connect-wifi.bat).

Double clicking it will then open a command window, connect to the wifi, and close the command window. It may take another couple of seconds to show the connection in the system tray.

As this is an 11 year old topic I'll now close it. Please start a new topic if you require more help.

Although this topic is locked, one more thought of advice:

Reboot your broadband modem and/or router weekly. Or unplug it and plug it back in from the wall outlet weekly. This cures allot of network connection issues including a slow Internet..

ISP's such as CenturyLink, etc., that provide their own branded modems to customers:

Make sure the modem hasn't went back into the <a href="" rel="external nofollow">modem Walled Garden</a> mode -- maintenance an ISP is doing can cause that or even wipe out all previous settings. For all other issues just phone the ISP for assistance.