I'm a new user and would be grateful for help. After I run CCleaner, I cannot connect to the Internet at all, even after I disconnect and re-connect. I have to do a sytem restore and re-connect to get connected again. Can someone tell me which ticked box is causing the problem?
I'm running Vista with an ADSL modem/router.
Thanks in advance for the help because I do like CCleaner and want to continue to use it.
Hello Philip,
Welcome to the forum. ![:D]()
I look back to not too long ago and the same thing happened to me.
Believe me I was as green as green could be as a "newbie" to The Windows internals and CCleaner.
Thank goodness CCleaner gave me some breathing room.My PC was so clogged up.
What happens is that when you first clean up,you then lose all Web type data related to sites and such.This also includes "COOKIES" and URL data that helps you to Connect to sites and servers and such.
For right now I would turn off the Cookies ,History and Recently typed URLs at Cleaner > Windows tab > Internet Explorer list.
Do this this until you get your "Cookies to keep" squared away at Options > Cookies. Keep the cookies to your favorite sites.You don't need a long list unless you are registered at many sites.
Also turn the option to clean Adobe Flash Player at Cleaner > Applications > Multimedia list > Adobe Flash Player. Many "popular" websites store encrypted data in those files.
Use the Guide to help you. http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites
Try Microsoft update to get you connected to the net and then start linking to other sites from there.
This will start filling in your "COOKIES" and History and such. Don't run CCleaner until you get things squared away then you will find it is easy to reconnect again Even after running CCleaner.
If you can't get through to MS Update then you have some other issues.This was the only way I could get back to net for me also.
Come back and fill us in.
Good luck,
P.S. Since you are using Vista the System Restore puts back a lot more data than WinXP System Restore.
P.S.S. Forgot to mention that I also "manually" cleaned out some MS files where it keeps some data to build new index.dat files.That was an inexperienced "no-no".Oops my fault.Told you my PC was clogged didn't I. ![:lol:]()