Internet Log Files

Hi, not sure if there is a post else where, if there is then i cannot find it. In Windows on my laptop i have an Internet Log folder, not sure if every one does, which contains upwards of 8000 .tmp files with names like xDB16CF. They are all around 3230kb in size and i cannot clean them out. i have tried deleting them and have tried using CCleaner but the files just come back with modified date over a month old.

In the same folder on my desktop i have just 10 of these .tmp files. Can anybody advise me on how to clean these files and what they actually are.


No idea but 8000 files of that size is quite big. That is about 24 gb.

Have you used AdAware or some anti spyware tool?

Run anti virus scanner...

If those are in C:\Windows\Internet Logs it's directly related to using ZoneAlarm.

The winapp2.ini add-on has a routine built into it to remove .tmp files etc., from the ZoneAlarm C:\Windows\Internet Logs folder. If the winapp2.ini add-on doesn't remove them you could try Unlocker to see if it will remove them, if it doesn't work and it may not because ZoneAlarm does protect some of it's files you'd instead have to uninstall ZoneAlarm (preferrably in Safe Mode) to have those files unlocked so they could be deleted.

Thanks for the advice since i posted. i will do as you suggest and post again later.


I am experiencing this same problem it took up about 30 gigs before I could find where it was coming from. I can delete the .tmp files but as soon as I delete them four more will come, and they keep coming, usually in groups of four. Ok, I just let it sit for 5 minutes and 404 were there, after I cleaned it. In the time it took me to delete them 8 more had been made. They alternate in file size between 2,225 kb and 9 kb, every other one. I also use Zone Alarm, but I realized they only fill up like this when ZA isn't running. And I can't seem to open ZA during this problem. Norton Antivirus found no problems in the WINDOWS folder. Any other suggestions?