Have a Toshiba Satellite A80 Laptop purchased in Oct 05. Problem started April 3. Opened a game I have had on the computer for a number of months and, when I clicked 'Play Now', Outlook Express opened. After various tries I simply gave up and un-installed the game, figuring the two sites had gotten garbaged up somehow. Then, after 30-40 minutes on the Internet, IE7 suddenly decided to give me the "cannot display page' notice when I tried to change sites. Another site - OK. As time went on, fewer and fewer sites could be opened. Checked the diagnostic on the IE page and it told me I was not connected to the Internet. My computer connections showed OK and connected AND I could still use the homepage (Goggle) and get on to send/receive e-mail. ??? So far I have: cleaned disc; fragmented, run Trend Micro Virus Buster 2007 (Jpnz Ver.); run CCleaner (cleaner and issues), cleaned in all ways I could think of - no help. Still gives me 30 - 40 minutes only on the Internet. I am wondering if I should un-install IE7 - have read a lot of people have trouble with it. Can anyone give me any ideas what else to do before I throw up my hands and take it to the Toshiba Repair here in Tokyo? Did not know if this was a software or hardware problem, so posted it here. I will try to check for answers today; if IE won't let me, tomorrow. Thanks in advance....
Have you tried using a different browser like firefox etc; to check if it is specifically an issue/bug with IE7
Thanks. No, I haven't. What I did do, though, was to use Systems Restore back to 3/15 and it now seems to work just fine.... Keeping my fingers crossed.... And hoping this fine working condition continues. Can't imagine what went haywire. Just before I went to systems restore, the e-mail function also decided to not download. Hm... Well.
There was windows update on the 3rd of this month I think, did you download it?
There was windows update on the 3rd of this month I think, did you download it?
Thanks, Hazelnut, yes, I got that one plus some came today. I got too excited after the systems restore. The thing is acting up again. It seems like it gets 'hot' or 'tired' after 40 minutes of usage.... Off to Toshiba tomorrow. Let them worry about it. LOL Will let you know what the results are.
OK. According to the Toshiba Repair Center, the mother board is failing - that is why I can use it at times and not at others. Not worth the money to repair, so they recommended buying a new one. (Also said that the screen may fail in another 8 months or so.) So... I have purchased another PC Toshiba Satellite A100 28904Y with more memory, larger screen, blah blah blah. Looking forward to getting it today and trying to connect to the internet. Also, thanks for all the help here; will keep coming in.
Well, was able to open up Windows, activate it, register it, get on the internet, install the printer, Kodak Easyshare, etc on the new computer - all successfully. Don't laugh, you professional computer folks. I am very pleased with myself for accomplishing this. I am amazed at how fast the new computer is and well it works - this makes me feel the first one I had was not good from the start - I just did not know it because it was my first one so I did not know just what to expect. Well, live and learn. I was sweating going to the Internet because I have a router and had such a heck of a time with it the first time I went on that I had to call in a guy to do it for me. This time it was no problem at all. Just whisked right on. Sorry to ramble on so...
Hi edallen, if you still have the old laptop here is something you could try.
Hold the zero key as it is booting and a "restore to factory settings" option just may come up.
If it does come up follow the prompts to restore it and see how you go.
Humpty, thanks for the suggestion. I will give it a try. I do have the old one (well it is only 18 months..) and, amazingly enough, after it came back from the Repair Center for Toshiba, it worked rather well???? What?? Of course I had already bought a new one. Sigh... But, I thought I would keep the old one as a back up and one to drag around with me to work offline, as long as it holds out. But, again, thanks.