Internet Explorer tracks not cleaned

I have found thousands of PNG files that show every Window I have visted with Internet Explorer.

Documents and settings/(User)/Local settings/Aplication data/Temp/Low/OCLT screen/

Highly recommend adding this directory to CCleaner.

In the interim, in the CCleaner window go to Options/Include/Add Drive or folder/browse. Then browse to the above folder and highlight the folder, then click ok. This will clear all these cached files next time you run CCleaner.

CCleaner v3.06.1433

Internet explorer 8.0.601.18702

Windows XP Home Edition Ver 2003 SP 3

Neither I nor Google have heard of this folder. It contains screen caps of every window you've opened?

There is some comment on Google that IE tries to save .png files if there is no application associated with them: Quicktime also gets a mention.

I wasn't able to reproduce this with Win7 Home Premium 64bit + IE9

No such folder on my WinXP Pro SP3 desktop either!?! :huh:

Could it possibly be an addon you are running?

Usually, the only time you have these folders is if you have one of the following problems with your system.

- Malware

- Hidden Keylogger

- Screen capture program

- Program/plug-in that utilizes a keylogger or screen capture

Likely, you have malware or someone put a keylogger on your system to spy on you.

I'd check for malware.


Local Settings folder is usually a hidden folder, but I suggest adding it for cleaning to CCleaner, anyway.


Normally, it is never used.

Malware can cause this folder to fill up with thousands, or sometimes hundreds of thousands of files.

Even if removed, they can still leave files there. This can result in system slow-downs, crashes (if a drive fills up), along with other problems (such as a user clicking the left over exe files (through searching for files with windows search/google desktop, whatever). Dangerous to leave this way. Please fix it!

P.S. I will never use another ashampoo product after testing the other day to find that this is also the location that ashampoo dropped their program + their hidden conduit engine installer into.

Please add Local Settings cleanup as well!
