Internet Explorer 9 GUI Revealed


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Lol wth.

Hmm they keep removing so much of it as in usable readily available buttons.

Its actually not that strange.

Its taking elements of opera and chrome. Opera got rid of the menu bar in the recent releases in favor of a single button and chrome combines the search and address bar.

If they have extensions I'll use it, if not then still a no go.

If they have extensions I'll use it, if not then still a no go.

It's IE, so there's all sorts of things than can plug-into it.:P

IE has had extensions for a very long time:

However, I doubt this is the final UI.

Too Longhorn-ish navigation buttons, no space for toolbars at all (no toolbars would be a great thing, but I doubt MS would do that), a very old Bing image...

I think that was either a mockup or an early build of the UI.

I read the article and it is supposed to be the real thing. I guess they will make some tweaks here and there but that's about it.

If that is the real UI it's massively flawed in one aspect for sure. The tab bar beside the address bar is just stupid. You open more than a few tabs and they will either have to compress in size to fit and be too small to use or they will go off screen and you will have to scroll to see them which is inconvenient.

Another example of a browser trying to copy Chrome. Another example of a browser dumbing down to compete with Chrome. In the not to distant future we will have nothing but a bunch of Chrome clones around. Wow I can't wait :rolleyes: