Internet Censorship,

:blink: :blink:

More than 600 people have posted comments on the AdelaideNow website - most vehemently against the Rann Government's legislation which will force internet bloggers and anyone publishing a comment on next month's state election to supply their real name and postcode.

A poll reveals more than 90 percent of readers are against the laws, which carry a maximum fine of $5,000 for media organizations who do not hand over such information to the Electoral Commissioner.

Welcome to the future of "free speech".... :mellow:

So glad I live in Queensland Australia not South Australia....

It's been interesting watching news threads on the various censorship issues that have been going on in the last year or two in Oz. Although I'm concerned by the attitudes that are being displayed, the overriding feeling is just one of surprise at the conservatism of it.

Not that we don't have our own censorship and privacy issues here in the UK of course!

The notion that individual states are applying their own rules is interesting too.

Not heard any thing about this, can you explain whats going on?

The only thing that i see a hassel in the uk is ISP throttling bandwidth

:blink: :blink:

Welcome to the future of "free speech".... :mellow:

So glad I live in Queensland Australia not South Australia....

I am not only glad to have moved far from Canberra ACT (spent 10 long years there) to Hobart Tasmania, I am constantly looking for the big chain that connects us with mainland Australia so I can cut the B%^$%^ thing and put more distance between us.

Not heard any thing about this, can you explain whats going on?

The only thing that i see a hassle in the uk is ISP throttling bandwidth

Basically if you live in South Australia and want to comment on the election on any news site or blog (including facebook/twitter) you have to legally/by law include your name and post code in your comment you can't be anonymous.

As for the UK don't they have cameras on every street corner, lol.

Basically if you live in South Australia and want to comment on the election on any news site or blog (including facebook/twitter) you have to legally/by law include your name and post code in your comment you can't be anonymous.

As for the UK don't they have cameras on every street corner, lol.

Ha, what a crappy law,

We have a lot of cameras, not so bad where im from cambridge.

Groovy. :D

As for the UK don't they have cameras on every street corner, lol.

Not yet firery, but having one on every corner can't come soon enough for me. I've got absolutely nothing to hide, and a lot to gain from the "protection" they most definitely afford decent members of society.

An awful lot of reprobates are either brought to justice, or made to think twice about their actions because of them. Of course there are always different schools of thought on issues like this, but I've always been strongly in favour of them, as long as they catch my best side. :)

Really good article on the internet down under ...