I thought oh no! at first and then once it got going it was quite interesting. The amounts made daily are staggering.
That spider looked cruel
I thought oh no! at first and then once it got going it was quite interesting. The amounts made daily are staggering.
That spider looked cruel
They began making LEGOs 50 years ago. No way they began making them with the factory they have set up now. If they did they would've needed several billion $ from venture capitalists to construct a factory that wouldn't have even paid for itself within a decade or so.
Oh, and another thing.....way to EMPLOY, LEGO. Who started LEGO? Soros?
I remember those but not with any fondness since I was impaled by some LEGO model I built as a kid when I rolled out of bed in my sleep and it pierced my mouth.
I was going to make a comment about LEGO 'models' but perhaps not
I think stepping on a peice of lego barefoot is guaranteed to increase your children's swearing ability. It did wonders for mine!!
that's my child's favorite toy.
thank for the link
Glad you liked it abu
Hi all
Nice video hazel.
I remember spending many hours building things out of Lego:)
Well hello there Craig
How are you, it's been a while since you've been around.
Hi hazel
Work seems to take up most of my time these days...
Lego - both for kids and smart builders alike.
*envies those who can create something like in sariel.pl*
To add on to this thread
Lego 1 HP printers 0
Great stuff!!