Intelligent cookie cleaning function


I would like to know how I can enable/disable the new intelligent cookie cleaning function after CCleaner install.

Right after installation you have to choice if you want to enable/disable this function, but I could not find this in the options to change this afterwards.

I also would like to know how exactly this function works. Sounds interesting, but I would like to customize which cookies should be kept.

Go to Options>cookies

Right Click on the area with cookies to delete

and choose intelligent scan

I like that notion.. an option in CCleaner.ini perhaps such as


so you make "custom" intelligent scan lists.. :)

What is the intelligent cookie cleaning function ?


Basically it keeps certain cookies when you use CCleaner so that they don't affect your browsing experience later on.


So what is the difference between intelligent cookie cleaning function and cookings to keep ?

I think cookies to keep is a manual entry for each file whereas the intelligent scan conserves the cookies in a manner that is more automatic by scanning for useful cookies and keeping them. The end result is the same but one is less time consuming and more autonomous than the other.

Thanks !

Go to Options>cookies

Right Click on the area with cookies to delete

and choose intelligent scan

For me on WinXP that only works on the 'Cookies to Keep' area.

thank you answers alot