Insufficient Disk Space

Hello, nice to meet you, first topic!

I just formatted hard disk and re-installed Windows XP Pro 32 Bit SP2 (Athlon XP, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB ATA133 HD, GeForce4 MX 440 AGP 64 MB VRAM,...).

I installed the 1.07 version of Defraggler and it told me that there were a new version, so I uninstalled the 1.07 version (using Total Uninstall - that tracks the installation process and stores all the infos that it will use when uninstalling a software in order to undo all the changes that an installation makes in the system), and I installed the 1.08.132 version.

But during the defrag process... it always gives me this error and stops the defrag:

Processing aborted due to: Spazio su disco insufficiente (that means: "Insufficient disk space").

Now, the strange things are these:

1) Since this new version is only English, how is it able to give me an Italian error message?

2) Why the error is mixed: half in English and half in Italian?

(maybe that this error comes from the Operating System, since it is an italian version of Windows XP? But in this case, why the first part of the message is in English?)

3) The 1.07 version never gave me this error, with the same situations of disk space (also in the last format... the only difference was the Service Pack 3, that didn't work very well, so I had to re-format again the hard disk).

The first hard disk partition is 20 GB, 15 GB are FREE!!!

I attach the error message.

Thank you!



just pointing you to the existing thread: