installs, then crashes

I went through the install process and it shows as far as the finish button. When pushed, I get the message "0x2efd: A connection with the server could not be established" Any idea how I can past that?

can you provide more info, like; CC version, Windows version, where did you download it from, was it a new install or upgrading a version already installed, have you tried the portable or slim builds, does it happen if installed with the PC in Safe Mode?

I have Windows Vista. It was a new instal. Never used this program before. The download says CCsetup504. I have not tried portable or slim build, and haven't tried in safe mode. I am trying to get this program because my computer is just overloaded and getting slower and slower. Should just Reformat from the beginning. I will try to start in safe mode.

No, still won't work. argh

Gets to the "seconds away box". When I click "start trial" that is when error box appears.

don't click Start Trial.

in fact, go here; and get the Portable version.

that way there will be no install to trip you up, and you can run CC to cleanup your PC.

MTA, Yes downloading the portable version worked. Thank you so much. Now I can run the program and try to get rid of stuff. Appreciate your help.

no worries, glad you got it working.

and a belated welcome to the forums.