I want to be able to install ccleaner on a usb flash drive so that i can take it computer to computer and scan the computers without having to load the software on each computer. (Im a computer tech and i really like the software and dont want to install anything on my client computers. so it would be really cool to install and run from my usb flash drive, like all of my other programs for fixing computers.)
so any suggestions on how to do this i keep getting a "Runtime error '0'" when i run it from my flash drive.
Once out of beta, hopefully later this week, I'll create some often requested different versions of the installer.
One without the toolbar for system admins and fans of minimilist apps, and a couple of others.
This feature has also been requested a few times including by me, from the quote above it looks like we will get a self contained Ccleaner(at least i hope that's what he means).
That would be very useful to a help desk support technician.
Thanks for all help provided here and for a excellent software!
If it was made, it could be run from anything. Ideally, it would consist of a single executable file (CCleaner.exe), and a configuration settings file (Settings.ini). So as long as both of those files were included in the same directory, they could be put on any type of media that could be read by a computer, including floppies, CDs, DVDs, USB Flash drives, hard drives, zip disks, etc.
I see that a new version was released on the 14th Has anyone tried it on a flash drive yet??
Also i noticed under "other builds" on the downloads page there is a basic version i wander if it can be used on a flash drive??
I plan on trying it later on tonight.... anyone that gets CCleaner to work from a flash drive post here please
No, these are not self-contained versions of CCleaner. And don't count on getting a portable version of CCleaner any time soon, since it would most likely require a rewrite of the entire program. Like englishmen said, lots of people have requested this feature, but it would be a lot of work, and I don't know if it is something that MrG is planning on, since he has never mentioned it before.
By the way, if you are going to download the newest version, get either the Slim version (if you speak English), or the Basic version (if you don't natively speak English, or just want the other languages for kicks). DO NOT download the Standard Build unless you want the Yahoo! Toolbar (which by the way, you don't want it).