Installer Reference Issues

I just checked my windows 8.1 registry and found a whole list of 'Installer Reference Issues - c:\ProgramData\Hewlet Packard\.HP Registration Service\Staging\AIA'..

Previously I have completely cleaned my registry. This was a first show for these items.

My question is it safe to delete these or should I leave them alone?

They seem important although I do not really know and wonder why they have just appeared the list is too many to count.

I would hate to boldly delete then find my computer will not start up or operate.

Thanks in anticipation.


It's good you asked first.

If you don't know if they are needed, I'd leave them be. You gain nothing from their removal (or the removal of any registry entry) performance-wise and can cause great harm in removing the wrong entries. The best advice is to only remove what you know, with at least 98% confidence, that the entries are not needed.

Just because, in the past, you've not had issues from registry removal doesn't mean you won't the next time. Best to follow my signature's advice, below my post.

Thanks Nergal

I will take your advise and leave alone although why they appeared in the first place out of the blue is puzzling me?