Installation problem/Compatibility problem

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2.

I have been running CCleaner several times a week for several months without any issues.

Today, Aug 23,2006 I downloaded and installed the latest version of CCleaner.

Now there is a major issue with Windows not working.

Whenever I use windows explorer this message shows up and explorer terminates.

"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information."

On the Microsoft support page for this error it says:


This problem may occur when you use the /GR and the /MD compiler switches, and the version of the Msvcrt.dll file and of the Msvcirt.dll file is 7.0.x.

Note This problem does not occur when you use a version of the Msvcrt.dll file and of the Msvcirt.dll file that is earlier than 7.0."

I have uninstalled CCleaner, rebooted Windows and all of the typical steps without success.

I will get the hotfix from Microsoft to fix my computer but based on the timing of the error I suspect that the installation of the CCleaner update had something to do with the cause because there were no other changes made to my computer.

hello Jim and welcome.

please view here. that should solve the issues.

hello Jim and welcome.

please view here. that should solve the issues.

Thats not it if he already was using ccleaner before.

I know it seems to you like it might have been ccleaner that caused this problem but as far as I know we haven't had this reported to us before. Follow the steps from MS and see if that fixes it. Then retry ccleaner and let us know how it goes.

Thats not it if he already was using ccleaner before.

I know it seems to you like it might have been ccleaner that caused this problem but as far as I know we haven't had this reported to us before. Follow the steps from MS and see if that fixes it. Then retry ccleaner and let us know how it goes.

This is an update to my previous post. The problem was finally isolated to be a .dll from "Free Download Manager", "iefdmcks.dll" which caused all of the problems. this was discovered with help from Microsoft Support. Once this was removed from my computer the problems went away. Since I used "Free Download Manager" regularly, apparently it had updated itself (probably with my permission) and the new version caused the incompatibility.

Bottom line: this was not a CCleaner problem.
