Installation Failure in 5.54 and 5.55

I have never before had installation problems with CCleaner but the last two updates WILL NOT install at all. I read that Malware Bytes Premium interferes. But I have the non premium version so that should not a conflict. I have tried logging in as administrator and still will not install either version (downloads fine but will not install). I am running Windows10 fully updated and there have been no changes to the computer since I downloaded and used v.5.53. I have used both Firefox and Edge to see if it was caused by a browser and still fails under either. Driving me crazy (especially with the incessant reminders to upgrade to the latest version) and just need to know step-by-step how to fix this.

See if any of these help

Seems to have fixed it by renaming the ccleaner.exe to ccleaner.old and ccleanerupdate.exe to .old. Will this be a continuing problem with every update from now on?

It's been an issue for about 2 years now that's become more common in recent months. The publisher Piriform however do know about the issue.

I also ran into "Error Opening file for writing" for the ccleaner64.exe file. The solution for me was to have the folder for the CCleaner files open and at that point change the extension to .old and then click on the Retry button. The update proceeded until hitting the branding.dll file. So, I did the same thing: changed the extension for that file to .old and clicked on Retry. The update then completed the task and I was updated to version 5.55.7108.