I am a big fan of CCleaner and really appreciate the program. I was wondering if the developers would consider changing the installer to give the user the option to install the program for all users? Currently the installer will install the start menu shortcuts on the start menu of the user account installing the program. Since the program must be run by each user account on the machine, it makes sense to install the start menu shortcuts on the all users start menu. This will ensure that all user accounts have access to the program. Each time I upgrade the product I must move the shortcuts to the all users start menu. I hope a change will be considered. Thanks for the support...
Thanks for your reply. The thread you are referencing has absolutely nothing to do with my request. That thread is dealing with Active Directory and Group policy and cleaning user profiles. I have no problem cleaning user profiles on my client machines. I am merely suggesting that the installer give the option to install the program for all users. All this means is that the start menu shortcuts will be placed in the all users start menu folder instead of the start menu folder of the account that installs the program. Most programs will automatically install their shortcuts on the all users start menu by default. The smart installers give the user the option. Thanks again for your reply.