Install over existing CCleaner or clean install?

I'm relatively new to CCleaner, having downloaded it for the first time last November. I've been using it these past few months with no problems and now I see that version 2.04 is available, so this will be my first upgrade.

CCleaner FAQ's state we can "install newer versions over the top of older versions, without having to uninstall". Nonetheless, I've read in most tech forums that it's best to uninstall a program before upgrading to the newer version. So my question to those of you who are more tech-savy than I and who have a longer history with CCleaner is how do you upgrade newer versions of this product? On top of older versions or uninstall then clean install?

You should be perfectly fine installing over the old version, I've always done it that way and never had a problem (besides if you don't you'll lose all your settings)

You should be perfectly fine installing over the old version, I've always done it that way and never had a problem (besides if you don't you'll lose all your settings)

Related to the newest ver 2.04.543, I tried downloading this version over v 2.03.532 but I still see the ....532 ver appearing on the screen (where you check items to be analyzed). I also tried rebooting. Thanks in advance for helping

Related to the newest ver 2.04.543, I tried downloading this version over v 2.03.532 but I still see the ....532 ver appearing on the screen (where you check items to be analyzed). I also tried rebooting. Thanks in advance for helping

In your case you "may" need to do a fresh install.

If memory serves me correct someone in the past had an issue installing a new version over an older version and had to go the fresh install route.