Initial Scan for Files

I have a Seagate 2 tbyte external hard drive that windows decided needed to be reformatted. I have a large amount of files on this drive, mostly pictures...almost 49000 to be more precise. I initiated a deep scan to ensure it would get by the supposed need for reformatting. It seems to have done that. It recognized the almost 49000 files but is flashing time left of anywhere from a few hours to about 24 days. Current progress is a percent and at this point (about 2hours into the process) it is showing about 4500%. There are only two things I can think of: First Recuva has blown a gasket and has gone berserk or second this is normal and the percentage is based on 100% total for each file cumulatively...i.e. 4500% equals 45 file having finished processing...this in turn meaning 20 or so days might be about right for 49000 files being recovered. Anyone ever run into this or is this normal or what?
