March 10, 2011, 12:27am
I use the Include Specific Folders option in CCleaner to wipe out the contents of the Temp folders in user profiles.
I'd like to be able to use the %USERPROFILE% variable to avoid having to manually browse to the C:\Users\[uSER]\AppData\Local\Temp path every time I set up CCleaner.
I'm not able to get it to work manually editing the .ini file.
I've tried %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp path, but CCleaner doesn't detect any data in this location, though it exists.
Works fine when I browse for the path through the GUI.
Anyone had any luck with editing the .ini file for this?
March 10, 2011, 12:34am
As of the latest version (3.04) this should be possible however I've not yet attempted it
Version History
v3.04.1389 (24 Feb 2011)
- Added support for Windows 7 SP1.
- Added Internet Explorer UserData cleaning and management.
- Added Safari cookie management.
- Improved Google Chrome detection.
- Added Google Chrome JumplistIcons folder cleaning.
- Added Opera Icon Cache folder cleaning.
- Added support for Comodo Dragon.
- Added support for SongBird embedded browser.
- Added support for Thunderbird embedded browser.
- Added Registry cleaner for Sound Events.
- Improved Registry cleaning for Unused File Extensions.
- Improved Registry cleaning for Application Paths.
- Added environment variable support in Custom Locations.
- Command line exporting of embedded INIs (/export [folder path]).
- Added cleaning for Excel Viewer, FeedDemon, WinDiff and Last.FM,
Free Download Manager, Internet Download Accelerator
and Internet Download Manager.
- Improved cleaning for AntiVir Desktop, AVG AntiVirus 10.0
and Windows Media Player.
- Improved system file detection security.
- Minor bug fixes.
EDIT: just tested. Here is the procedure
Create a custom entry (i.e. c:\users\msgvb\desktop\temploadpoint)
click OK
right click the entry and choose "Manual Edit"
Replace c:\users\msgvb\ with %userprofile%
Click ok
in my testing this worked fine
March 10, 2011, 1:30am
great job, thanks!
probably time I start looking at the purchase options for this app.
it's been a mainstay in my maintenance arsenal for some time now; definitely proven its worth, that's for sure.
thanks for the info and for the quick response.
March 10, 2011, 1:57am
There is no purchase option.
The only "Pay" thing would be priority support (bypass the forum email directly with developers) or Donation (Tell the Developers you appriciate them)