.ini file manipulation

I use the Include Specific Folders option in CCleaner to wipe out the contents of the Temp folders in user profiles.

I'd like to be able to use the %USERPROFILE% variable to avoid having to manually browse to the C:\Users\[uSER]\AppData\Local\Temp path every time I set up CCleaner.

I'm not able to get it to work manually editing the .ini file.

I've tried %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp path, but CCleaner doesn't detect any data in this location, though it exists.

Works fine when I browse for the path through the GUI.

Anyone had any luck with editing the .ini file for this?

As of the latest version (3.04) this should be possible however I've not yet attempted it

Version History

v3.04.1389 (24 Feb 2011)

- Added support for Windows 7 SP1.

- Added Internet Explorer UserData cleaning and management.

- Added Safari cookie management.

- Improved Google Chrome detection.

- Added Google Chrome JumplistIcons folder cleaning.

- Added Opera Icon Cache folder cleaning.

- Added support for Comodo Dragon.

- Added support for SongBird embedded browser.

- Added support for Thunderbird embedded browser.

- Added Registry cleaner for Sound Events.

- Improved Registry cleaning for Unused File Extensions.

- Improved Registry cleaning for Application Paths.

- Added environment variable support in Custom Locations.

- Command line exporting of embedded INIs (/export [folder path]).

- Added cleaning for Excel Viewer, FeedDemon, WinDiff and Last.FM,

Free Download Manager, Internet Download Accelerator

and Internet Download Manager.

- Improved cleaning for AntiVir Desktop, AVG AntiVirus 10.0

and Windows Media Player.

- Improved system file detection security.

- Minor bug fixes.

EDIT: just tested. Here is the procedure

  1. Create a custom entry (i.e. c:\users\msgvb\desktop\temploadpoint)
  2. click OK
  3. right click the entry and choose "Manual Edit"
  4. Replace c:\users\msgvb\ with %userprofile%
  5. Click ok

in my testing this worked fine

works :)

great job, thanks!

probably time I start looking at the purchase options for this app.

it's been a mainstay in my maintenance arsenal for some time now; definitely proven its worth, that's for sure.

thanks for the info and for the quick response.

There is no purchase option.

The only "Pay" thing would be priority support (bypass the forum email directly with developers) or Donation (Tell the Developers you appriciate them)