Infected defraggler?

I downloaded defreggler to update the version I have, and tested it with virustotal. Two antivirus found something nasty in there. There was already a previous scan done by someone else already, and it said one of the antivirus detected something, so I think I can trust it. Now I want to hear someone from piriform about this. What is happening?

All that seems to be being detected is the references to google toolbar.

If you downloaded it from Piriform itself (which you seem to have done) then they will be false positives.

ClamAV is known for false positives, and ESET flags any installer that bundles Google Browser Toolbar.

With virustotal results, you need to pay attention to the flags and 2/54 usually would point to a clean file (especially if one of those is ClamAV)

and to prove the point, download the portable version and the scans should be clean - even the false positives.