Indication that CCleaner Working?

I recently upgraded from Windows 7 to a new computer running Windows 10.

Using CCleaner version 5.58.7209 Pro.

CCleaner is set to run every time browsers are closed (I only have Microsoft Edge at the moment), without notification.

On the old computer, even though the full CCleaner screen did not appear, I could click through the taskbar, examine the CCleaner icon, and observe that the little brush was "sweeping." I assumed that meant CCleaner was working in the background. However, when I click through the icons in the Windows 10 taskbar, I do not see that. I am sure that it is working properly, but it is nice to double-check that it is working when I close a browser.

Is this normal behaviour under Windows 10?

I've never seen the brush 'sweeping' on the taskbar icon.

In my Win 10 the background 'square' of the taskbar icon slowly fills with green from left to right when CC is actively scanning or cleaning.

(And turns yellow if it halts for user input, such as an open browser).