incomplete DEFRAG


I have Windows VISta home premium. trying to defrag system with Defraggler (as recommended by Kim Komando)

I have now run 8 times in 2 days

Defrag of D drive (files) is fine runs fast and well!

doing C drive (systems)

a. first time took over 10 hours when I ran analyze afterwards Defrag told me that C was 43% fragmented

b. next time took less time, but still showed 44% frag afterwards

c. last time took only 32 minutes, but now up to 50% frag after running defraggler!!

I checked "file list" and find that the fragmented files are all in System Volume


ACER (C:), NTFS, Capacity: 144,0 GB, Used: 46,6 GB (32%), Free: 97,5 GB (68%)


Total size: 23,4 GB, Fragmented Files (7), Total Fragments (62)


Filename Fragments Size Path


hiberfil.sys 2 3215847424 C:\

{15a19aa4-2784-11de-b1e8-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 4 1376501760 C:\System Volume Information\

{45d25321-27ef-11de-93bb-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 18 6601687040 C:\System Volume Information\

{45d2534f-27ef-11de-93bb-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 23 9265913856 C:\System Volume Information\

{54826681-264b-11de-93dc-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 3 327565312 C:\System Volume Information\

{c1ca447c-26af-11de-b9b5-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 5 1380024320 C:\System Volume Information\

{d9c2e364-28bc-11de-bdc3-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 7 2936012800 C:\System Volume Information\

Any suggestions how to finally defrag and clean-up this idiot VISTA?


P.S. LOVE the Defraggler program! Far exceeds Norton and others!


I have Windows VISta home premium. trying to defrag system with Defraggler (as recommended by Kim Komando)

I have now run 8 times in 2 days

Defrag of D drive (files) is fine runs fast and well!

doing C drive (systems)

a. first time took over 10 hours when I ran analyze afterwards Defrag told me that C was 43% fragmented

b. next time took less time, but still showed 44% frag afterwards

c. last time took only 32 minutes, but now up to 50% frag after running defraggler!!

I checked "file list" and find that the fragmented files are all in System Volume


ACER (C:), NTFS, Capacity: 144,0 GB, Used: 46,6 GB (32%), Free: 97,5 GB (68%)


Total size: 23,4 GB, Fragmented Files (7), Total Fragments (62)


Filename Fragments Size Path


hiberfil.sys 2 3215847424 C:\

{15a19aa4-2784-11de-b1e8-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 4 1376501760 C:\System Volume Information\

{45d25321-27ef-11de-93bb-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 18 6601687040 C:\System Volume Information\

{45d2534f-27ef-11de-93bb-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 23 9265913856 C:\System Volume Information\

{54826681-264b-11de-93dc-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 3 327565312 C:\System Volume Information\

{c1ca447c-26af-11de-b9b5-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 5 1380024320 C:\System Volume Information\

{d9c2e364-28bc-11de-bdc3-001e68d8a9b8}{3808876b-c176-4e48-b7ae-04046e6cc752} 7 2936012800 C:\System Volume Information\

Any suggestions how to finally defrag and clean-up this idiot VISTA?


P.S. LOVE the Defraggler program! Far exceeds Norton and others!

Idiot VISTA?Stop blaming VISTA because you don't know how to use a PC! ;)

Idiot VISTA?Stop blaming VISTA because you don't know how to use a PC! ;)

Thank you, tricker, for the great assistance! If you have nothing positive to add, why not move on in life?

Based on what you posted, its having trouble defragging files in the directory that contains your System Restore files. Why, I'm not sure. One option would be to disable system restore for all drives on your machine, then delete any existing system restore points using the disk cleanup wizard, and run defraggler again.

If you're not comfortable with this, you could try running a checkdsk on the drive and run another defrag. I know that System Restore can consume a lot of disk spare.

Thank you, tricker, for the great assistance! If you have nothing positive to add, why not move on in life?

I, like your reply!

Not only can some harddrives cannot be completely defragmented but also some programs for example e-mails.

If you are not using the latest Defraggler 1.09.138 but the 1.08.138 (faulty version) than that could be causing the problem - If so, uninstall Defraggler and install the latest version 1.09.138.

Save space: - I have been; 1) Converting Office XP's files into Office 2007 (For example using Office 2007's internal conversation feature), and 2) Deleting unecessary duplicate files.

Check the following:

If you don't have any error messages when you either; switch on the computer or whilst using any programs then you should be able to delete all system's restore points apart for the last point, especially if you back-up first, but remember to switch the System's Restore Point back on again after memory has been freed up.

Coppertrail, is correct that system's restore Point can use up a lot of memory. In general the more memory used the more fragments you will have on your computer.

When saving space - All Back-ups have to be taken into account also:

1: Schedule Back-ups, I donot have any set-up.

2: Manually, I use McAfee's back-up and restore - free upgrade within Internet Suite

3: NB! If a program is backed-up by more than one program - Computer will be slower

To summarize:-

1: Back-up (save a copy of) the C: if possible.

2: Check that there are no errors when either; the computer is switched on or using a program before deleting any system restore points:

A: I would use 1) System restore (to back-up the registry - Extremely Important) and 2) McAfee (to backup data - but you can use whatever backup program you use or if necessary Recuva (latter needs to be improved - Bug, faulty, changes to red to easily)).

3: Any files or folders that can be removed will speed-up computer.

4: Delete all unnecessary files and folders before defragmenting

A: The problem is that what you consider to be important may be different from what I consider to be important:-

1) Using CCleaner\Windows Tab

A: I am not concerned about the following; Autocomplete Form History, Search Autocomplete, Clipboard, Start Menu Shortcuts

B: Advanced - I am NOT sure about the following 3 things - but I have had no problems;

1} Menu Order Cache, 2} Tray Order Cache, and 3} Window Size/Location Cache

C: I would Tick (delete) the following:-

1} Last Download Location, 2} Autocomplete Form History, 3} Windows Explorer,

- (All applications apart for Recent Documents).

4} System

- All applications apart for Desktop Shortcuts (because for example I keep My Computer's and System Restore's short cuts on my Desktop)

5} Advanced - Safe

- It should be safe to automatically delete;

- Old Prefetch data

- IIS Log Files

6}Advanced - Should be safe

- I have found no problems with deleting the following;

- Menu Order Cache

- Tray Notifications Cache and

- Window Size/Location Cache

- I would then; Analyze \ Run Cleaner

7} Using CCleaner\Applications Tab

- I have ticked all the squares

- I would then; Analyze \ Run Cleaner

8} I would select CCleaner \ Registry Tab

- All the boxes are ticked

- Scan for Issues

- Fix Selected Issues

9} There is no need to back-up the registry again, but the more back-ups the better.

- If I backed-up using regedit than all applications would have to be closed first.

- The System Restore should back-up the registry properly(without closing all programs)

10} Since, I have Windows XP Pro (people with for example Vista may have to translate)

- Find the RUN's BOX:-

A} Start \ Run \ %temp% \ OK

- Window's search window will open - The problem is that we have to delete all the files that the computer will allow us to delete - and then leave the rest that gives us an error message - The easiest way to explain is to start by trying to delete the first file or folder - If the file disappears than it has been deleted - but if an error message occurs after a few moments then it will display the file name that CANNOT be deleted - Ignore the error message, because impossible to delete - Then, try and delete the next file or folder on the list until you have finish.

B} Then repeat for; START \ RUN \ TEMP \ OK as 11 A}

C} Then repeat for; START \ RUN \ Prefetch \ OK as 11 A}

5: The browser that I use is the Internet Explorer 8

A: Internet Explorer (IE) 8 \ Tools \ Internet Option \ General \ Delete \ Delete

(earlier IE's version have to tick a small box first)

- I tick all boxes but there maybe some files that you would want to keep and


6: To clean, ' Disk Clean-up'

START \ SEARCH \ Folders \ My Computer \ Right Click on C: \ Properties \ Disk Clean-up \ Disk Clean-up \ OK

7: Finally, I would then use Defraggler 1.09.138, if it is still working properly, to defragment my computer, otherwise use McAfee's Cleaning routine.

8: If there are any program's problems then the following maybe usefull:

A: Use system restore to uninstall faulty programs

B: Uninstall programs using 'Add or Remove program'


C: Use restore programs

D: Before I forget, CHKDSK (but computer would normally give a clear error message)

START \ SEARCH \ Folders \ My Computer \ Right Click on C: \ Properties \ Tools

\ Error Checking

- Window's XP Professional operating system use to say that the next time the computer is either restarted or switched on it would check the drive, but recently when I used disc check it automatically carried out the disc check without me having to restart my computer and it was very fast.

- As a last resort, a virus scan have to be used, but every body should be using a proper Internet Security Suite and not just a virus package.