I thought I was good at technology but I was so wrong. I have had my mac for 6 years and we have had our ups and downs and the last couple days we have not been getting along. Everything was so slow and I couldn't log onto to anything so I read a couple articles and downloaded multiple different programs that work great, but for some reason I just have no idea what I am doing. I have a MacBook Air that is completely updated and uploaded a screenshot of the type of Cclearner I have
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I really don't know what I have deleted, I have no free space to erase, and I can't find a single tutorial about large file finder. I clicked search though and it would take me all day to delete them and that is just 1 MB. I don't know if i am suppose to be using the cloud or running it from a browser or even hooking it up to my browser! UGH and my computer is still being a turtle.
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There was my rant of the day- if anyone has some time to help me understand this program/ answer some questions, I would forever be grateful. I will even Venmo- I have Nursing school stuff to do and this whole slow computer thing is not working for me
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Anything will help!!