Important message to CCleaner for Mac users

To my fellow Mac OS users,

I am writing this to urge youto stop using CCleaner for Mac. This is not because it's a bad product as it's a great product in my opinion. No, this is because the team behind AVAST CCleaner could care less about its Mac OS product nor the Mac users that continue to advocate it despite the lack of courtesy or acknowledgement we receive in return.

I am writing this on March 27, 2021, nearly 6 months since CCMac 1.8.30 was released back in October 2020. Since then, the CCleaner team has released 8 new updates to it's CCleaner for Windows software. Yes, despite your countless posts to this community and social media begging and pleading for a fix, all you've received are a handful of dismissive responses and absolutely no efforts to address nor resolve the issue.

The latest response was from @Dave CCleaner on March 24, 2021:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents" data-gramm="false">
		We do seem to have the majority of our Mac users on the BigSur and CCmac 1.18.30 using it <strong>without </strong>major issues.

What doesn't seem to sink in for @Dave CCleaner and the other admins is this: If users are coming to you to report a problem, that means there IS a problem. Clearly they could care less for loyal Mac users, which is why I urge all of you to look towards some strong alternatives which are equal, if not superior, to CCleaner for Mac:

  • [Advertisement redacted]

Please note that I am a longtime user of CCleaner, both as a PC user and later Mac. But even the best products are useless without support for its users. I have tested all the listed alternatives and can personally vouch for each one. So join me in saying goodbye to CCleaner as they continue to bring new malware to their Windows software (and before this post gets deleted).



I, too, have been a long time user of ccleaner for Mac, but the latest version won't launch on my computer (10.15.7). It sits in the dock but doesn't open.

I use Onyx, instead.

I tried iBoostUp for Mac, and found that it does what I can do manually without it. Also, all the reviews seem to be 6-9 years old, so I'm guessing not many new people are using it?

As for the others you list, I don't want to pay for a cleaning tool.

Piriform remains committed to CCleaner across the Windows, Android and Mac platforms. Indeed we have recently brought on additional developers to focus on the development of a major Mac release - CCleaner for Mac 2.0. (Expect to see a beta announcement in the coming months.)

On 27/03/2021 at 07:05, timfea926 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		If users are coming to you to report a problem, that means there <strong>IS</strong> a problem

While the majority of CCleaner for Mac users are continuing to use it without incident on Catalina and BigSur, there are indications that a small percentage (<1%) of users seem to be having some issues relating to their individual system configurations - yes, they are having a problem.

As with any other rarely-occurring issues with any software, in order for us to replicate and diagnose the nature of the issue we need feedback from impacted users with as much information as possible: product and OS versions being used, firewall and AV software that are on the computer, what system changes were made when the problems started, etc. While we are eager to help and to make our products useful to everyone, if we are given nothing to go on for investigations, attention is always going to be on developing the product to meet the needs of the majority of users.

Hi, I have a problem with CCleaner on Mac Catalina. The program no longer opens. The wheel turns and nothing happens. What should I do? I specify that the program is updated to the latest version. Thanks for your help

I tried to open CCCleaner tonight on my Mac running Catalina 10.15.7, it wouldn't open and all i got was the spinning ball. Tried two restarts, same problem.

Went off, had food, came back to post here and in the middle of typing it opened. It took almost 11 minutes to open.

On 06/06/2021 at 14:28, TriumphDriver said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I tried to open CCCleaner tonight on my Mac running Catalina 10.15.7, it wouldn't open and all i got was the spinning ball. Tried two restarts, same problem.

		Went off, had food, came back to post here and in the middle of typing it opened. It took almost 11 minutes to open. 

I have the same problem, but have not tried waiting 11 minutes. I also downloaded again and again. Same results , it wouldn't open.

I waited long enough and it opened.

I am running Big Sur 11.5.2 and just ran CCleaner 1.18.30. I haven't upgraded CC since I installed it a long time ago. I am here actually to attempt to see if there is an upgrade available. Just happened to be looking for a remedy to another issue and thought I would post this screenshot.

Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 9.00.57 AM.png

Guess I'm waiting for 2.0

Ccleaner (Free) on my Mac Big Sur (Air 2017) would often not complete a scan before crashing - crash report sent as requested - and more of the same now with Monterey (12.0.1).

Disappointing as it was part of my weekly maintenance on older OSs with no issue (Onyx - newest version released within a couple of weeks of Monterey release - I still do monthly) - but I do note current Ccleaner is over a year old, so not necessarily holding my breath for the Mac Beta.

1 hour ago, Baz01 said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		so not necessarily holding my breath for the Mac Beta.

If you missed the CCleaner Mac 2.0 beta programme, that already finished a couple of months back. CCleaner for Mac 2.1 was released in October, followed up by CCleaner for Mac 2.2 released last week. Currently, the CCleaner for Mac 2.x series is only available for paid customers, with a free version planned for general availability in the new year. Since old CCMac 1.x licence keys won't work on CCMac 2.x there's a bit of fiddling required to migrate our users with time left on their current active unexpired licenses - but we're looking to kick that process off in the coming weeks.

On 14/11/2021 at 21:50, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Since old CCMac 1.x licence keys won't work on CCMac 2.x there's a bit of fiddling required to migrate our users with time left on their current active unexpired licenses - but we're looking to kick that process off in the coming weeks.

By way of followup, as of the time of writing, pretty much all of our past and present CCleaner Professional for Mac 1.x customers should have received an email from us on how they can get a new licence key that works with CCleaner for Mac 2.2. (Except for folks who have previously indicated that they did not want to hear from us by email any more).

The exception would be customers who are using CCleaner for Mac as an extra seat as part of a CCleaner Professional Plus licence - that is still a work in progress.

Users of CCleaner Professional for Mac 2.0 and CCleaner Professional for Mac 2.1 should have had their software automatically update itself to CCleaner Professional for Mac 2.2 about a month ago when it was released.

Never got any message nor news of any Mac update despite being paid up for two years. I can't tell if the software updated as I can't open it; been waiting twenty minutes now for it to open so thought I'd check here and see what others are doing.

My Mac has just told me: application not responding. Had to force quit.

Please contact our support team at or by emailing directly and we'll be happy to get you the updated version of CCleaner for Mac, which should also take care of the issue you reported.

CCleaner has never worked to a satisfactory way. I have to constantly install the "helper tool" because I use CC a lot. I have never had a result of 0kb cleaned after seven to twelve cleans. I am trying to find a better cleaner but the alternatives just clear duplicate files, big files or unused files. I use CC on Windows too it works like a dream there but not on Mac

I run three computers on a paid licence. The PC version runs well, it's an HP Laptop on Windows 10. The two Macs.... no good. One is running High Sierra, the other Catalina. The Catalina version takes up to 20 minutes to open, and eventually runs if you leave it long enough. The High Sierra version crashes on opening, crashes on 'analyze', crashes on 'run cleaner'. I'm so used to the 'CCleaner has quit unexpectedly' message I just hit the 'report to Apple' button automatically now.

I tried a reinstall of 1.18.30 to see if that improved things but all that happened was that I lost the paid version, and can't work out how to get Professional again as there's nowhere to insert the licence.

I double-clicked the Ccleaner icon on the Catalina Mac which I'm currently typing on - 23 minutes ago. It still hasn't started up.

If you contact support by emailing them at they should be able to help.

(For Pro users of CCleaner for Mac there is an update to v2.2 available, that update is not available for Free users yet.

Pro users of CCleaner for Mac should have been contacted by email about it, but I'm not sure if that happens if you have a Pro+ licence key that can work on both Windows and Mac).

<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		can't work out how to get Professional again

In CCleaner Free (Windows or Mac) go to Options>About>Upgrade to Pro, enter your key as asked, and click on register:

You can find further details on registering, for both Windows and Mac, here:

Sorry to barge in but I just wanted to ask that is there a time-frame on CCleaner 2.2 Mac availability for free users?

The latest we have is above from 8 December, it also talks about the situation with Pro+ licences:

22 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Pro users of CCleaner for Mac should have been contacted by email about it

Back in early December. Except, of course, for folks who opted out of licence status communications from us.

22 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		but I'm not sure if that happens if you have a Pro+ licence key that can work on both Windows and Mac

At this point ...

On 08/12/2021 at 02:18, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		The exception would be customers who are using CCleaner for Mac as an extra seat as part of a CCleaner Professional Plus licence - that is still a work in progress.

19 hours ago, sam0rai said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I just wanted to ask that is there a time-frame on CCleaner 2.2 Mac availability for free users?

@sam0rai: We have not announced the upcoming release schedule for CCleaner for Mac 2.x - but broadly speaking it won't be quite as frequent as the ~monthly releases that we do for CCleaner for Windows, but certainly a lot more frequent than we were doing with CCleaner for Mac 1.x. As a broad guide though, we are looking to have CCleaner for Mac 2.3 out at some point within the next few weeks - but aiming for "sooner rather than later" within that timeframe. We may make a free version (without the new paid features) available along with CCleaner for Mac 2.3, or possibly with CCleaner for Mac 2.4 which would be a couple of months after that.

@nukecad"Worried about Tracking Files?" <<Link>>

There's a lot on that link about Windows. Windows and CCleaner on my PC work fine I'm concerned that CCleaner doesn't work as well on Mac.

I hope the next update makes it work much better and gets rid of the constant "Helper Tool"

Marks out of ten for CCleaner on Mac 4 lets hope that improves