Image Associations

CCleaner registry cleaner keeps deleting my image associations with ACDsee program. Can you fix it in next version? Does anyone have the same problem?

As a workaround have you tried excluding your ACDSee program under CCleaner options>exclude?

I have the same issue. I use ACDSee Pro 2.5 and a bunch of image extensions are shown as unregistered by CCleaner registry integrity search. I open an image with ACDSee, it shows that this bunch of extensions are not registered with ACDSee and it re-registers them. I use CCleaner, it start saying that are unregistered extensions and so on.

And no, puting that folder or executable at excludes doesn't solve the problem, because it excludes from deleting the temp files, not from the registry changes done by that program.

This was a problem reported before too, and it isn't just ACDSee as I was having the same problem with IrfanView.