I'm trying to request a refund, and I don't know how to do it

I’m looking for the option to cancel my subscription and request a refund but I don’t see the option for either a refund or a cancellation in the app. I would like to know where I can do this.

This is a user forum, we do not have access to accounts or billing.
You will need to raise a ticket with support to cancel and/or ask for a refund.

The contact form for CCleaner support can be found here: CCleaner Support Community
If you use that form you will be given a ticket number - make a note of it.
You will then get an automated email reply with some general information (which will probably not interest you).
Your support ticket is now in the queue to get to a person.

You can also email support@ccleaner.com

Support are being very, very, (often you can add another very) slow to reply these days; 2 weeks,3 weeks, or even longer is not unusual.
(Although there was a poster yesterday who got a refund in one week so maybe things are getting better).