Hi i know there uased to be a topic like this but it got deleted. Right now for instant messagner i use trillian. I really like it. I am now looking for somehting that can do all the same type of im things, aim, yahoo, msn, jabber, icq, irc. All those thing. I have tried miranda but i could not get it to work never would connect my accounts... I have heard Gaim is good never tried it. Any others out there?
not that i know of, that are popular enough for me to trust them. I personally use an old version of aim with aimutation on top. Your needs prolly are diffrent, i say use GAIM and try it out. (I personally didnt like trillian when i tried it either)
i tried Integrity Messenger once. it was really nice but it cant connext to Jabber
mangix how do you set up an account with aim and stuff in that?
if you havent made one, you need to make one first by going to the websites
if you just want to log on using an account, go to Tools > Preferences > Networks and add everything in there
hmm seems to be good but not waht i was looking for going to keep looking.
rofl. just find an IM system on Wikipedia. here's a link for you.
i found one i like but the problem is it is a .dgm file can i have looked at the instalation guide and it say how but i don't get it can any one tell me a way to open it. Or a program that can open it?
how about accually saying the name of the IM client?
edit:also http://www.filext.com has a list of file extensions
never mind i change my mind on it.
found a very nice little program called Qnext. Very nice. run off java and is very fast. Also you can transfer any fiel size on it!!!!!!! If any on else uses it plz let me who so we can share files
You should give Miranda IM another try, I dont get it how you dont get it to work, its very simple.
Gaim supposedly is very good too.
mangrix my connection to aim won't start it sauy connecting then dies...
i dont use QNext so how should i know
lol sorry forgot to tell you i was tying miranda.
then you did something wrong