Hi, I have run the free version of Recuva and whilst I was optimistic as it ran and was finding lots of files, when it completed after 10 hours it states it only found 90 files and ignored 14,000 others. I have tried running with a filter to just look for picture files (which is what the drive contains) but same result and I have cleared all filters and still find there are 14,000 files ignored. Is there anything else I can try?
You will get no different results if you clear a filter after the scan. Run the scan with no filter then scan then add filter. I believe most of the ignored files are files that are still live, but my fellow moderator @Augeas is better versed. I've moved this thread to the recuva discussion board.
You're correct Nergal, the ignored count includes live files and those that don't fit the search criteria (and possibly zero length files and system files etc). So I would clear the search filter and go from there. The live files will still be ignored, but presumably you're not looking for them with Recuva.
The drive was formatted using an Andriod tablet and it now reports that only 4mb of space has been used, so I am assuming by Live files you mean files that have not been deleted. As it only reports use of 4mb (and all the files were Pictures), I am assuming they would not be classed as Live files?
I am re-running the scan with no filters, after the 10 hour scan is complete, are you staying to just change the filename or path box to Picture and then click the scan button again?
Ok, I reran the scan with no filter, has found less files but is still ignoring just under 11,000. If you add Picture to the filter it makes no difference (and I'm not sure why that would suddenly make the system change them from ignored).
Not sure if I am missing something obvious here or the system is just not capable of recovering files that it has identified.
I have now closed the app and restarted the 10 hour scan. It has now found and ignored the original 14,000+ files. If I then put a picture filter on it just knocks the 90 files found down to 89, so this does not seem to be helping. I need it to recognise the 14,000 files that it is ignoring?
Note I have also tried to apply each of the other filters and only the movie filter found the 1 file from the original 90.
If you're using the Wizard, switch to advanced mode (top r/h button). In advanced mode select Options/Actions. Check boxes 1, 2, 3 and 5. Leave box 4 (Deep Scan) and box 6 (Restore folder structure) unchecked. Press OK. You should not need to do another scan. With nothing in the Filename or Path box you should now have zero files ignored.
Thiws advice is for a non-formatted device, reading back I have to repeat the caveat in my last post.
I know this is an old topic, but I thought it better to ask here than open a new topic.
I've scanned my files 4 times now. I scanned using the Advanced mode and checked those boxes, I also scanned with no boxes checked. I'm still getting over 10,000 ignored files. I need some help, I really need to recover these files, if at all possible.