ie8 Favorites Bar

does CCleaner do anything to the IE8 Favorites Bar? Specifically, does it alphabetize the list of sites in the Favorites Bar? I would like keep my Favorites Bar in the order that works best for me. Is there an option or something within CCleaner to run off alphabetizing the IE8 Favorites Bar?

Thanks in advance.

Hi bpiela.

There was a similar question asked some time ago about the same thing, and at the time I didn't think running the temp files cleaner would do anything to IE8 favourites, but the registry cleaner may do.

To save some typing here's the similar query with the answer I gave to it.

If you use CCleaner "Issues" (registry cleaner) feature, you could "exclude" that registry entry from ever being touched by CCleaner.

The other poster didn't mention his operating system, which version of IE it was, or indeed come back with any information, good or bad. But I think that registry location will probably be the same in other Vista or Win7. That is based upon my XP.

Some info on which Operating System you run may help.

I don't believe that I ran the Registry Cleaner section on CCleaner. I am running Vista Ultimate 64bit. Could checking the "Menu Order Cache" under Advanced be something that is creating this problem? Curiously, how do you exclude a specific registry item from being "cleaned"?

Menu order cache applies to the start menu, not IE.

If you run the registry cleaner and want to exclude an item from occurring again, just right click it and add it to the exclusion list. :)

If the entry doesn't pop up during a scan, it probably seems like there's no point in excluding it, but just in case it is picked up at some time (registry scanning can be fickle), you can exclude the key this way ...

A bit fiddly, but it works.

Post back if the problem doesn't go away.