IE8 Cookie Control?

Can anyone suggest whats going

on with cookies and the new version of IE8

and CCleaner...they do not play well

together....had to 'un-tick' cookies in CCleaner?

My trusted ones because the are removed after

each clean up job

Can anyone suggest whats going

on with cookies and the new version of IE8

and CCleaner...they do not play well

together....had to 'un-tick' cookies in CCleaner?

My trusted ones because the are removed after

each clean up job

If you check CCleaner to remove all cookies, it will do just that. There is no option in CCleaner to exclude your 'trusted' cookies.

For years I have used CCleaner to exclude

my trusted cookies and it has done so

I think you mis-understood my post

in IE8 browser the newest one they are not saved

when after using and running the Cleaner


For years I have used CCleaner to exclude

my trusted cookies and it has done so

I think you mis-understood my post

in IE8 browser the newest one they are not saved

when after using and running the Cleaner


Thanks for the screen shot, I understand what you mean now. Let's wait and see what the mods/admin have to say about this.

Also even when un-ticking 'cookies' still after running

CCleaner all good cookies are removed!!

Also even when un-ticking 'cookies' still after running

CCleaner all good cookies are removed!!

Sounds like a random error, have you tried uninstall/reinstall of CCleaner? We can go from there.

Done that been there

I am not the only one with this little

ditty...goin on ;)

Done that been there

I am not the only one with this little

ditty...goin on ;)

So we wait for a reply from the mods..

I just double checked, and using v2.17.853 under IE8 the cookies I choose are being saved correctly.

Win Vista HP with SP1

So we wait for a reply from the mods..


I had the same problem with IE8. The solution was posted eslwhere on this forum. You have to exclude index.dat files under Cleaner/Windows and your problem is solved:;#entry114838

Phonemes, thanks and will check that out ;)

can someone detail how to exclude those dat index files in

CCleaner? please or do you just un-tick index.dat files in windows section?


can someone detail how to exclude those dat index files in

CCleaner? please or do you just un-tick index.dat files in windows section?


Yes, just uncheck them. It worked for me.

Yes, just uncheck them. It worked for me.

Ok thats what I da man!! ;)

Also even when un-ticking 'cookies' still after running

CCleaner all good cookies are removed!!

Some people have had issues with their Cookies to Keep still getting deleted. I don't know why it only happens to some people and not others.

The index.dat exclusion sounds like a nice idea. However; If still having issues you could also exclude both of these hidden folders in your user profile:

* Temporary Internet Files

* Cookies

...or just let IE8 handle all its own cleaning by unticking all of the IE cleaners in CCleaner.

Yes, just uncheck them. It worked for me.

The problem with that is that index.dat files can grow to a huge size as Windows never bothers to clean them out only re-create them at reboot if missing.

How do I know?

I have worked with Steven Burn the author Index.dat Suite to get it working on XP when XP came out:

I haven't tried it on Vista yet.

Steven is the author of hpHosts file as well.

My last and final question on this matter is...

will this be updated or fixed in the future to avoid

such confusion?