ie7 updates

I've seen that the updates from microsoft keep hold in the c:\windows\ie7 updates dir.

This grows up in mb use.

Can this directory safely be removed?



Your best bet is to take advice straight from Microsoft about that folder, or even the MSDN forums.

Here's a search about that folder, which you probably should've done in the first place:


Thanks, i will try to find the answer and post it then here.

Have a good time!


I have deleted the contents of that folder several times on three computers without any problems but the risk is entirely yours, if you're not prepared for the consequences of something screwing up leave it alone.

I've deleted the ie7 updates dir completely save. Everything works fine after that.

But know there is ie8.

We will see how these updates will be handled.

Keep in touch

It's probably a good ideal to zip that folder, and use see what happens during the next round of IE updates. I don't know off hand if the folder is actually required or not, however I won't be removing it from my system.