IE7 temporary internet files folder

I installed IE7 and after that i noticed, that windows/temporary internet files folder is locked to hidden. Is there a way make it visible?

This is bizarre. I can see them in IE7>tools>internet options> (click "settings", click "view files") and the pathway is "documents and settings [user profile] local settings/ temporary internet files.

But if I try to navigate to it in windows explorer, or my computer, it doesn't exist. Even with "hide (everything)" unticked.

A search finds 5 "temporary internet files" folders, under such titles as "all users", "users", "administrator", which include the "content ie5" folders, but none of the actual files. Very odd.

But if I try to navigate to it in windows explorer, or my computer, it doesn't exist. Even with "hide (everything)" unticked.

You also have to uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" to see Temporary Internet Files folder when IE7 is installed.

Yep. Done that. That's in part what "hide (everything)" unticked, means.

Yep. Done that. That's in part what "hide (everything)" unticked, means.

Hi Tarq57,

I`ve just looked for my temp internet files folder using IE7. Didn`t realise it was so well hidden.

Followed CeeCee`s tip, unticked "Hide Protected System Files", and there it was.

Have you also gone to Windows Explorer:- Tools > Folder Options > View > Show Hidden Files and Folders, and ticked that.

That`s the only thing I can think of still hiding that folder.


just use firefox or opera,its only a matter of time before you realise its the smart decision to do

Hi DennisD, I've got all files and folders, including "protected OS files" set to "show".

And (mysteriously, since nothing has changed) they are there.

Hi XanaTos112,

Took less than a day to realise Firefox is better. Tried Opera briefly, but it didn't want to play nicely.Uninstallation was a chore and a half. But Firefox is wicked.

Only use IE for the few sites that don't like Ff, now.

Just a thought.....if you select to show all files and folders then unhide the protected system files you can, as CeeCee said, see the temp internet files folder. If you create a shortcut to it and then drop the shortcut into the Documents and settings folder and then inside your username folder you can then set all the hidden files to normal. The shortcut will still be visible and will access your temp internet files without all that mucking about then. It`ll just show you a warning as you open it telling you that there`s an unspecified security risk and do you still want to open it.

Hope this helps ;o)

I made simple batch file to access Temporary Internet Files folder. Here's how to do it: Open Notepad and type "start explorer C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files" (without quotes). Then go to File - "Save As...", select "All Files" and type Filename, example TIF.bat. Finally save it to somewhere on disk.

You can see and navigate around temp inet files through Agent Ransack which is a free search utility.

Search for "CONTENT.IE5".

It can even show the hidden "INFO2" folder within every recycle bin.

Agent Ransack download is towards the bottom of the page.

Agent Ransack

Thanks for the help.. guys.

I will try setting that up (BogRod)

By the way XanaTOS112.. I did install Opera once and went to a website that erased my hard drive in one second. Don't think it is better than IE because it is not - it is just different. Needless to say I will never put opera on my HD ever again.

By the way XanaTOS112.. I did install Opera once and went to a website that erased my hard drive in one second. Don't think it is better than IE because it is not - it is just different. Needless to say I will never put opera on my HD ever again.

1 second. eh?

Pretty effective website, that.

The only way I know to erase a disk that rapidly is by hardware modification of same, with an instrument such as a hammer or large blowtorch.

By the way XanaTOS112.. I did install Opera once and went to a website that erased my hard drive in one second. Don't think it is better than IE because it is not - it is just different. Needless to say I will never put opera on my HD ever again.

I smell BS there.

It could've been some malicious website, and it doesn't take much to cripple Windows without wiping out a whole hard disk.

It could've been some malicious website, and it doesn't take much to cripple Windows without wiping out a whole hard disk.

I'll buy that but the whole hard drive in 1 second I don't believe and if it did happen it certanly wasn't Opera's fault.

I'll buy that but the whole hard drive in 1 second I don't beleive and if it did happen it certanly wasn't Opera's fault.

Yeah and that's why I wrote "without wiping out a whole hard disk," it could've just been something to do with the system files or registry, or just plain bad luck with file corruption due to a faulty hard disk, bad RAM, etc., there's literally a laundry sized list of what it could've been.