Link to PC World blog on IE7 discussing pros and cons (seems like more cons than pros) with a link to the Internet Explorer site to download a copy. Quote from the site:
"Developers and IT pros: Download and evaluate the Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2 Preview — and explore the improvements in security, user interface, and development platform."
Hmm... download an unstable browser made by Microsoft that has an 11.28 MB installer, or stick with my stable Firefox browser whose installer consumes under 5 MB. I wonder?
IE sucks. I need say no more.
Anyway, setting my feelings aside, thanks for the news and link, Mike!
I know, but I still really want to get Firefox, there is no ebay toolbar for it though, thinking of getting it anyways and using it as the primary browser, but use IE when I have to....
I know, but I still really want to get Firefox, there is no ebay toolbar for it though, thinking of getting it anyways and using it as the primary browser, but use IE when I have to....
I installed this. I had a lot of issues with it to.
here is a post I made as LS.
Ok I downloaded and now I wish I hadent.(thank god I have firefox.)
OK I have had IE7 installed for all of about 5 minutes and thats all I need for my list of gripes.
1. The toolbars cant be moved. This prevents me from fixing the crap decision to get rid of the menu bars.
2. The menu bar is gone.(what the hell?)
Edit: I found that you can enable it but you cant put it in the right spot. when you do enable it it makes the toolbars really really big.
3. There is no drop down button for bookmarks. I dont/never have wanted a sidebar to look at bookmarks.(can be fixed with turning on classic menus but you know the issue with that. )
4. The navigation keys.(home, forward,backwards,ect.) are not together?
5. I cant get rid of the second google bar search. I have never gotten the point of these. I will always go to google to search, thats just the way I am.
6. Its ugly
7. Its not customizable.
8. No adblock.(I know its not fair but it has become a necessity of mine.)
Thats it. Basically this will be like the other IE. Only for updates.:thumbdown:
I agree with rridgely, the interface is horrible. Even with a minimal number of features displayed, it takes up way too much room on the display. On my PC it was a lot slower than Firefox, or any other browser for that matter. The most common comments about IE 7 Beta 2 Preview seem to be that "maybe they'll (fix) (add) (improve) (remove) this (issue) (bug) (oversight) before the final release." Like Lokoike said, why bother when there's Firefox?
wow. this is the worse piece of s**t that i have ever used. they use an ugly tabbed interface, no menu toolbar(well there is one but you cant move it to the top). i have to say that IE6 is much much better than this.
I know, but I still really want to get Firefox, there is no ebay toolbar for it though, thinking of getting it anyways and using it as the primary browser, but use IE when I have to....
Here are some E-Bay extensions I found for Firefox. Maybe they will offer you similar features that your IE E-Bay toolbar gave you?
Try them out; there's bound to be something you like. I would hate for you to be stuck with IE for that reason alone!
i like the interface... quite clean... but not used to it since it is removing away from the traditional Windows apps... and moving towards WinVista style...
seems like MS is doing fine as IE7 have many new and interesting functions... not always useful... maybe except for Saturday...
but there is 1 thing in FireFox that will prevent me from discarding it... the Ctrl+F...
thats also the reason why i didnt switch to Opera Browser either... even it seems to be a bit faster and with better functionalities...
i hope to see the Ctrl+F and tabbed browsing functions everywhere (bear with me here )... including Office Word etc.
Ctrl+F is implemented in opera cept it's a bit diffrent from Firefox. it practically does the same thing(search with every key typed) but it doesnt show a toolbar like Firefox does. instead it changes the Search Bar(near the address bar) to use "Find In Page" instead of Google or w/e the search thing is.
i hope to see the Ctrl+F and tabbed browsing functions everywhere (bear with me here )... including Office Word etc.
Why hope to see it in Office?! You should be hoping to see it in OpenOffice! Then you can have all of the tab goodness, without the cost. And OpenOffice can make PDFs too. I wonder if MS Office will ever incorporate that function?
I find it funny that it has taken MS this long to start thinking about organizing related files and programs with tabs and such. I mean, take Corel WordPerfect for example; they've been using a tabbed word processor for years! And Mozilla has been doing the tabbed browser for quite a while as well. MS is really dragging their feet when it comes to updating things that really matter. They are too concerned with making pretty icons, or giving Vista a 3D GUI, to worry about petty things, like stable, easy-to-use software.
ya... i mean generally all Office Apps... MS Office... OpenOffice... including AbiWord etc...
i love tabbed!
i also hope to see tabbed in Explorer... MSN Messenger (Live Messenger <- i dont like the name) conversion... etc... tabbed browsing EVERYWHERE!
i know that the Messenger Plus provide this function... but i dont feel safe to install it... also adviced by some friends in this forum...
MS have tabbed in Visual Studio.NET 2003 and i personally dont need those nice nice cute cute icons... if i ever get WinVista, i will switch to Classic Interface (Win2000)
ya... i mean generally all Office Apps... MS Office... OpenOffice... including AbiWord etc...
i love tabbed!
Yeah, tabbed is awesome. Another thing that MS really needs to do to Windows is let you move around programs in your Taskbar, the same way you can with tabs in Firefox 1.5+. Windows has had a Taskbar for over ten years, and you still can't even drag items around on it! I mean, seriously, what is the hold up?!
But, if I started listing everything I dislike about Windows and MS apps in general, the CCleaner forum would turn into a black hole from the sheer mass of all of the text. So I won't.
maybe u can start 1 topic titled: "What I Dislike About MS"
then send it to MS... maybe it may be a suggestion board to them from members of CCleaner...
Heh, yeah, I bet they'd appreciate that! I'd be willing to bet that MS's spam filters filter out anything negative about MS, so that the only emails they get are "MS is soooo great!" and "I love your buggy beta browsers" etc.
We could make that topic, title it "I <3 MS" and then send it to them.
not very sure if they do tht... but ti would be nice if they take negative feedbacks...
there are things that i dislike about MS... but there are few things that i appreciate... just some personal perferences...
That's fine if you like MS. Obviously, I am biased against them, so even if they did come out with something great, it would take a while for me to register it. But I do have a lot of complaints, and I would consider most of them pretty valid.
My biggest problem is the whole Trusted Computing/DRM deal that Windows is integrating into Windows. I feel that MS can't beat other companies with a superior product, so they ultimately just want to make it impossible for those companies to support common file types, such as .wma and .doc .
I feel that if MS makes products that are incompatible with other products, and they charge a high price as well, I have no reason to respect them or their products. My philosophy in a nutshell.
no biased towards MS... i dont like them nor i hate them...
one example of things i like is the Windows Defender... even through it is not as good as the GIANT Antispyware... and currently having a lot of stability and usability issues but it seems to be the best antispyware that offer at no charge... hope it will get better and better in time to come... at least they decided to offer it for FREE... then about 1 thing that i dislike about MS is their MSN Messenger... so bloated... Windows Messenger so ugly... they cant design a nice IM... at least not for now... maybe Live Messenger will do it...?
i agree that MS products are expensive... but so as other apps like Adobe... Macromedia (which is now known as Adobe)... thats why i normally goes with freeware or open source programs (or education edition of shareware)...
of coz MS products are not the greatest... thats why i replace many of their apps with alternatives...
oh anyway... i hate software companies registering new extensions on their newer version of program... thats make the older version unable to open files created in the new version...