IE6 & 7 highly critical flaw

First Firefox, then Opera, and now Internet Explorer 6 and 7...

It's currently being exploited. :o

It's funny how these exploits lately seems to related to Windows Operating System, I wonder if any exploits exist for Linux??

Richard S.

Search YouTube. :)

Or look on There are hundreds of flaws on each Linux distro. The winner is Gentoo Linux with 3247 flaws. 24% of those flaws are highly critical.

Well I understand that every OS has it's own flaws but just how many of these exploits for Linux would lead to root access and the installation of malicious code to auto start?

I must admit it's something I haven't really looked into but I always felt Linux has the advantage of making malware harder to code being non standardised (different distros) whereas Windows is more common. :)

Richard S.

All Linux distros use the Linux kernel, so I think many of Linux flaws can work on any distro...

<< Interesting one, since the changelog describe the vulnerability to cause a kernel crash...