After the new release clicked links still remain highlighted after you run CCleaner. This is the third straight release that hasn't corrected this issue so am I the only one having this problem or has anyone else noticed this.
You are not alone. I guess we'll all have to live with it until it's fixed.
This issue is on the radar. Will look into it. Thanks
After driving myself crazy and trying to solve why I could no longer get my links to "Clear" when using CCleaner like it did in IE9, I think I might have found a temp solution until the coders at CCleaner find a permanent fix.
Maybe the below will help:
After following the suggestion from link:, which further suggest the link: http://forum.pirifor...70 (, I found my system didn't have "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\WebCache\". This sent me to hunt as to what IE10 was actually doing and why it was NOT turning my links back to blue when I used CCLEANER as my one stop cleaner for IE10.
Here is what worked for me:
On the main page of CCleaner under advanced make sure "Custom Files and Folders" is checked.
Click Options button on left.
Click Include button.
Click Add button on right.
In new popup window -
Paste "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\History\" in Drive or Folder box (replace UserName with personal folder name)
Leave File Types as "All Files"
Under Options change drop box to "Include files and subfolders"
Click OK
Go back to (Main) Cleaner page and click "Run Cleaner"
Done (well it works every time for me so YMMV).
Good Luck!
My system: Win7 Home x64
After the new release clicked links still remain highlighted after you run CCleaner. This is the third straight release that hasn't corrected this issue so am I the only one having this problem or has anyone else noticed this.
This has still not been fixed in v. 4.06 as received yesterday. I have worked backwards through previous releases and get the same behaviour in versions 4.05 - 4.02. The most recent version where the highlighting is cleared correctly is v. 4.01.
( I run IE10 on Windows 7 64 bit.)
We can't reproduce this problem and need your help.
We need more information about sites that highlighted history is not being cleaned.
Please provide steps so we can reproduce.
Can you also verify if highlighted links are cleaned when using IE own history deletion? Only check "History" when using IE's internal cleaning tool. Some sites seem to be using cookies these days to save that kind of information.
Thank you very much for your help and support!
Morning Mr T,
IE10, Win8P, CC 4.06 portable.
IN IE10 open Google and search on any subject. Open various linked sites in other tabs. Close those tabs so that just the Google list remains. Press refresh on the search page and the previously visited links are highlighted.
Open CC 4.06 and in Cleaner, Internet Explorer check all boxes except the last two (Autocomplete Form History and Saved Passwords). Run CC as many times as you wish. Refresh the Google search page and the links are still highlighted.
Close browser, open again, reboot pc, re-run CC, go to the pub, whatever, the links are still highlighted.
In IE open Tools, Internet Options, General, Browsing History, Delete. Untick all options except History. Press Delete.
Now refresh the Google search page. The links are no longer highlighted.
As has been mentioned, if I run CC 4.01 with the same settings the links are cleared OK.
We can't reproduce this problem and need your help.
We need more information about sites that highlighted history is not being cleaned.
Please provide steps so we can reproduce.
Can you also verify if highlighted links are cleaned when using IE own history deletion? Only check "History" when using IE's internal cleaning tool. Some sites seem to be using cookies these days to save that kind of information.
Thank you very much for your help and support!
Hello MrT
Many thanks for your interest.
Augeas has posted the very helpful response above which, I think, confirms my own experience.
As an example go to this Tripadvisor site and click on any of the listed topics. Then close the site and if you run IE's clear history the topic will cease to be highlighted. If you follow the link again and this time run CCleaner v. 4.06 after closing it, and then re-visit, the heading will remain highlighted. Hope this helps.
We can't reproduce this problem and need your help.
We need more information about sites that highlighted history is not being cleaned.
Please provide steps so we can reproduce.
Can you also verify if highlighted links are cleaned when using IE own history deletion? Only check "History" when using IE's internal cleaning tool. Some sites seem to be using cookies these days to save that kind of information.
Thank you very much for your help and support!
This issue has been resolved in 4.07. Many thanks MrT.
It appears so, the links are cleared after rebooting IE10.
I get the same kind of blockage in Internet Explorer History
(C:\users\username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Recovery\...\{D4C5EA1B-4212-11E3-B0B7-001E685525A6}.dat
the ... can be either the subdirectory \Active\{D4C5EA1B-4212-11E3-B0B7-001E685525A6}.dat
or \High\Active\{D4C5EA1B-4212-11E3-B0B7-001E685525A6}.dat
When looking into the directories for the ..dat-file, nothing is found! - hidden files etc. are made to be visible.
The CClean software is running on:
MS Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit SP2, Intel Core2 Duo CPU T8100 @2.10GHz, 4,10GB RAM Nivida GForce 8600 GS with IE 9.0
Only when I run CClean without markings for IE History the software runs through to "clean up"!
What can be the issue???
Niels Holger Jensen