I'm Using CCleaner 64bit v4.02.4115 on Windows 7 64 Ultimate with IE10.
Is there any way to keep IE Download History from getting cleaned out along with the history sweep?
I've tried everything but gotten nowhere with excluding folders and registry keys.
Using Ctrl+J to view what I've downloaded during a week is convenient while having the other history items swept.
Also, running debug mode from a Standard account is there any way to actually have run it in that account instead of the Admin account?
Confused about this as I try to get the log file to record for the current account to see if there is a way to solve the above question.
Edit addendum:
Should probably add that I don't think the previous versions had this issue or at least it could be excluded. Also, realizing that IE10 made quite a number of changes structurally, the previous CCleaner needed adjustments to handle the cookie retention behavior which BTW, is working much better. Waiting to see if the developers see this post and are able to recognize and adjust it for the future - is probably the best hope.
Thanks Nergal, for fixing the topic for me.