IE Download History how to keep from history sweep.

I'm Using CCleaner 64bit v4.02.4115 on Windows 7 64 Ultimate with IE10.

Is there any way to keep IE Download History from getting cleaned out along with the history sweep?

I've tried everything but gotten nowhere with excluding folders and registry keys.

Using Ctrl+J to view what I've downloaded during a week is convenient while having the other history items swept.

Also, running debug mode from a Standard account is there any way to actually have run it in that account instead of the Admin account?

Confused about this as I try to get the log file to record for the current account to see if there is a way to solve the above question.

Edit addendum:

Should probably add that I don't think the previous versions had this issue or at least it could be excluded. Also, realizing that IE10 made quite a number of changes structurally, the previous CCleaner needed adjustments to handle the cookie retention behavior which BTW, is working much better. Waiting to see if the developers see this post and are able to recognize and adjust it for the future - is probably the best hope.




Thanks Nergal, for fixing the topic for me.

topic title updated by OP request

I give up!

Just installed v4.03.4151. There is still absolutely no way to exclude from the CC history sweep the Download History that has taken place in IE10.

But it can be excluded by unchecking the Download History in IE10's own browser cleaning function.

This should be simple but it's not.

There should be a hidden+system History folder and inside of that another folder that you could exclude, don't know if it's still named HISTORY.IE5 in IE10 or not but that's traditionally what it's been named.

Just an example from my XP system (the path would of course be different in newer OSes):

%userprofile%\Local Settings\History\History.IE5

That's the thing - I think you've hit on here,

On the CC Windows (tab) I've enabled:

Temporary Internet Files



Applications (tab) I've enabled nothing.

After browsing there is not one trace of the word "History" in any path whatsoever, period. Two CC versions ago there were lots/plenty.

Edit Addendum:

Also the only exclusions:

D:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\*.*

and Cookies: (16) formatted like: *

CC is sweeping too much History info away and not allowing the user to exclude anything related to history.

OK - more info.

Narrowing this down with hard facts now.

There is a folder: D:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory

It's now been Excluded like: D:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory\*.*

It contains 1 file called "container.dat"

Upon deleting the file it is re-created when IE10 is opened. After downloading a new file from internet neither the size or modified date will change for file "container.dat".

Close browser and re-open then press Ctrl+J, the file that was DL'd before is listed.

Run CC and that history is swept from the browser.

Re-download another file and verify things are normal.

Go into that IEDownloadHistory folder and delete the file "container.dat". Open the browser and the history is swept for the DL'd file.

Something is amiss.

If you are by chance using CCleaner.ini to store the settings in you can manually fix your exclusion. For whatever reason CCleaner excludes don't always work, and I find them easier to fix if the settings are stored in CCleaner.ini (available via: Options->Advanced->Save all settings to INI file). Then CCleaner.ini can be found in the folder where CCleaner.exe is.

CCleaner uses a non-standard ending with these: |

Instead of these: \

This may be incorrect, and thus won't work:

D:\Users\Your User Profile Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory\*.*

This may be correct (notice the ending difference):

D:\Users\Your User Profile Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory\|*.*

Example (how it could look in CCleaner.ini):

Exclude1=PATH|D:\Users\Your User Profile Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory\|*.*

Thanks Andavari for the feedback.

Here's what I got. Just had to fix some things on my significant others system. I haven't kept CC up to date so she still has CC 3.28 on W7 64 Ultimate w/ IE9.

As I had thought all those history folders and *.dat files are clearly visible and excludable on that system.

It doesn't mean anything as my versions of things are different. Just observation of what's changed.

With regards to the ccleaner.ini file. I never run my computer as admin for normal use. Trying to save in a Standard Acct throws a permission error.

Would you recommend that I design the file in the administrator acct or give standard acct. permission to write in the folder?

Ok, tried using the ccleaner.ini method - no difference.

The biggest problem I see is that none of the folders that need to be excluded are even visible when there are no exclusions

and everything is checked/enabled for sweep - so CC is sweeping them from within while ignoring the custom settings.

This is how I set it up in the .ini file, substitute %UserProfile% with my name including a space hence the quotes:

Exclude1=PATH|"D:\Users\%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\|"*.*


It was not possible to include a bar ( | ) within the exclude (tab) path - it got removed during analyze.

Two versions ago this problem didn't exist so I'll either go backwards and deal with the cookie issues or just use IE10's built-in cleaner.

I've spent too much time on such a small feature to continue further.



Default folder permissions would not allow me to modify/save the ccleaner.ini file after editing in notepad, even in the administrator acct.

Give explicit full folder permissions to the account names in order to accomplish these tasks.

I have a "standard default" installation of 64 bit Windows 7 Ultimate + SP1

I never use IE but even so I am stuck with the unwanted


I think your problem may be paths that are not only non standard but are also not legal.

You have the horrendous path


My complaint is NOT against the non-default drive but the weird and wacky use of %UserProfile% instead of %USERNAME%

CCleaner may well understand your stipulated path as


I suggest that you would have better luck with :-






I suggest you launch CMD.EXE and run the command SET

and look at your environmental variables.

You have the horrendous path


My complaint is NOT against the non-default drive but the weird and wacky use of %UserProfile% instead of %USERNAME%

CCleaner may well understand your stipulated path as


That's why when I posted above a supposed fix I didn't post it like this (it's wrong): D:\Users\%UserProfile%

CCleaner understands system variables but they have to be the very first in line like in Alan's examples.



My folders are permanently relocated using sysprep audit mode during reimage. C:\ is my OS, D:\ is my Data. Users and ProgramData folders reside on D:\.

It works perfect on every machine I've installed it on and currently have two identical machines set-up the same. I also don't do anything special when describing the target partition letter to programs. Reference that CC has no issue if it is an older version and IE9.


I didn't bother to lookup the exact system variable name %UserProfile% or %UserName%, I simply took out my name to hide my real name on the forum, real example then:

Exclude1=PATH|"D:\Users\Hotel California\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Feeds Cache\|"*.*

Exclude2=PATH|"D:\Users\\Hotel California\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\IEDownloadHistory\|"*.*

I've tried both ways, i.e., with and without quotations just in case CC added the quotes because handling of string spaces.


Do note from my previous posts that earlier versions of CC running analyze revealed plenty of history folder paths and files that could seen so as to be excluded even in IE10.

But even removing ALL exclusions - there are still none visible. Completely removing and reinstalling CC to defaults - it is the same.

Also do note that the file "container.dat" residing in "IEDownloadHistory" is created once but never changes its modified date or size even after cleaning using IE10's own function. Yet simply manually deleting that file clears the download history.

I'm not saying this blame belongs to this or that. Only want to point out that something is amiss and raise awareness so that it can be dealt with. IE10 is sufficiently complicated so as to cause headaches not to mention backward compatibility for CC programmers.


Of course you could be right about path structure and I would be negligent not to at least try something different to try and correct for it.

And I will try your suggestion even as I think it will not matter: remember above that at CC's defaults those folders and files are not getting revealed.

E D I T:

Excluding the Feeds Cache works fine BTW