IE 7 pics!

Has everyone here seen these pictures of IE7?

This looks like a bad rip off of firefox. I found these pics on Taruns web site Lunarsoft in the affiliate JNN.

I don't care if they make it look like a rip-off of a Corvette Z01, I still ain't gonna use it for everyday surfing, only for Windows/Office updates.

Yea I see the pic 3 or 4 days ago and I did think RSS Subscriptions pic looks like firefox.

saw that before... but is not very clear... is internet explorer 7 going to look like that?

saw that before... but is not very clear... is internet explorer 7 going to look like that?

That is Internet Explorer 7.


what are you hmming about?

That is Internet Explorer 7.

I think this is it. How do you know its IE7?

Well, I can say this. Them pics really are IE 7. It was taken at a conference.

I think this is it. How do you know its IE7?

As twistedMetal said they was taken from a conference were Micro$oft was talking about IE 7.

doesnt matter... i hope it will be release soon...

doesnt matter... i hope it will be release soon...

It sure doesn't matter I don't even have internet explorer on my pc :D.

oh... but i still have to use it...

no. don't use it! :P

Firefox from Mozilla is so much better.

-much more relaxing to use, more user-friendly, and no "worm-holes".

use it. spread it. it's free B)

is not i really want to... but as you know... sometimes firefox cannot display websites correctly... so have to rely on internet explorer... of coz, my day to day browsing is firefox...

is not i really want to... but as you know... sometimes firefox cannot display websites correctly... so have to rely on internet explorer... of coz, my day to day browsing is firefox...

There's a funny fix for this. User Agent Switcher. I had errors appear on Firefox when I went to one site. I used the User Agent Switcher and changed the agent to IE and it made the page display fine, despite that I was still in Firefox. ;)

people's buggy hacks for a Browser's buggy hacks :P

just wonder if programs like spywareblaster, avant browser etc will still work for internet explorer 7...

just wonder if programs like spywareblaster, avant browser etc will still work for internet explorer 7...

Not sure but IE7 will be very popular with people who don't know better i.e. firefox, so I'm sure there will be updates as soon as it comes out. There maybe compatibility even before it officialy comes out through testing with the Beta version.

no public testing of internet explorer 7 beta 1...