IE 7 and IE 7 pro addon


Did any of you encounter a shut down issue with IE 7 and IE 7 pro addon?

When I activate the browser ,as soon as it tries to open an internet connection, it shuts down the machine.

How do I know that this is an interrelation issue? I uninstalled IE7 pro....and everything is normal now.

I`m interested to know if it is only here or some of you happen to encounter this same problem as well.


I'm using IE8 and an older version of IE7 Pro (version 2.4.6) and have no shutdown issue.

Maybe your IE7 Pro if it's the newest version doesn't properly support old IE7 anymore, don't know for sure however it's a possibility.

I'm using IE8 and an older version of IE7 Pro (version 2.4.6) and have no shutdown issue.

I'm interested to know are you using IE8 on XP? If so have you noticed any problems? I have read many reports of IE8 messing up on XP? I recently up graded a machine to Windows 7 and IE8 runs very snappy on there.

Just to let you know Anomaly, I have had no problems using IE8 on XP.

Just to let you know Anomaly, I have had no problems using IE8 on XP.

Thanks and good to hear because after using IE8 on Windows 7 I would like to add it to my XP computer since that computer will not be getting a Windows 7 update.

Did you download IE8 through Windows Update or did you download it from the IE8 site and install that way? Did you do anything different in your install?

I'm using IE8 and an older version of IE7 Pro (version 2.4.6) and have no shutdown issue.

Maybe your IE7 Pro if it's the newest version doesn't properly support old IE7 anymore, don't know for sure however it's a possibility.

Hi Andavari

Please see the following(taken from here):

System requirements

In order to use IE7Pro, you must have one of the following operating systems and browsers installed:

1. 64 MB of RAM

2. 6 MB of free disk space

3. Microsoft WindowsNT /2000 /XP /2003 /Vista

4. Support Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0 and above

Just to let you know Anomaly, I have had no problems using IE8 on XP.

Hi hazelnut

How is IE8 compared to IE7 when dealing with resources and effectiveness of browsing(on Win xp pro sp3) ?

Hi Andavari

Please see the following(taken from here):

System requirements

In order to use IE7Pro, you must have one of the following operating systems and browsers installed:

1. 64 MB of RAM

2. 6 MB of free disk space

3. Microsoft WindowsNT /2000 /XP /2003 /Vista

4. Support Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0 and above

So IE7 Pro does not work on Windows 7?