IE 7 and clashes

microsofts latest release the much vaunted IE 7 with all its "improvements" will not work correctly with the BT total broadband hub which i have been assured by BT the fault lies with microsoft

No clue as I don't know what the BT total broadband hub is but maybe you could try opera or firefox and see if they work. That or try an IE add on like maxthon/avant.

is not a problem was just commenting the BT total broadband hub is a combined modem and router given away to BT customers when they take broadband from British Telecom over here in the good old UK

Oh that kind of hub. I thought you meant a website(some places call chatrooms/file sharing areas hubs). Why would the browser make a difference on the hardware? Did they tell you what caused it to not be compatible.

Oh that kind of hub. I thought you meant a website(some places call chatrooms/file sharing areas hubs). Why would the browser make a difference on the hardware? Did they tell you what caused it to not be compatible.

Had the same sort of problem with BT ref there B/band Online Help Desk !! Installed a Smart Bridge Alert that came up every time i booted the system, then found couldnt comunicate with their helpdesk.kept getting Script Error (whatever that means !).They blamed Microsoft for the problem, microsoft told me that it was BT's problem, went back to BT told them and then they admitted that there engieers were looking into "incompatibility" problems with IE7. At this point (six days later) i gave up with this, and other IE7 probs, and have now returned to IE6. Everything is back to normal and i'm a happy chappy !!

My advice to all at present is NOT to Install IE7