February 11, 2007, 6:59am
Ok so I installed a program that changed the default .mp3 file icon, however I want my old default icon back.
After uninstalling the program, I still get the bloody old icon.
Is there any way to revert it back ?
I tried registry cleaning, didn't do nothing.
Try my computer > tools > folder options >file types > scroll down to MP3 and try change to see if default is listed.
Could also be your icon cache needs rebuilt which is a rather quick fix using Microsoft's free Tweak UI .
In Tweak UI go to:
'Repair' select 'Rebuild Icons' then click Repair Now. You may have to use the Repair Now button twice in some instances.
February 12, 2007, 12:28am
Hazelnut this fixed it thanks.
Thanks for the reply Andavari as well.
Wow, what program did that?
Those are possibly the ugliest icons ever.
Wow, what program did that?
Those are possibly the ugliest icons ever.
That's what I was thinking too, although I refrained from mentioning it. It would indeed be an urgent thing to get rid of icons that ugly. Although I totally agree with his music choice as I'm a Dimmu Borgir fan.
February 12, 2007, 8:08pm
Hazelnut this fixed it thanks.
Thanks for the reply Andavari as well.
They could be disabled but I think I broke the iconhandler when I installed over an existing installation.