Icon notification cache

I noticed that task manager option to show icons kept including a program that I had uninstalled.

I found and deleted all remnants of the application in the registry and it still showed up.

I downloaded a bat file that indicated it would clean the icon notification cache by editing the registry and it worked.

This is what the file contained

@echo off

:: Notification Area Cleaner

:: Created by Hally Master hally_master (at) yahoo (dot) com

:: Distributed by www.7tutorials.com

:: WARNING! This utility restarts your shell (Explorer.exe) and clears your notification area icon cache

taskkill /im explorer.exe /f

reg delete “HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify” /v IconStreams /f

reg delete “HKCU\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\TrayNotify” /v PastIconsStream /f

start “Shell Restarter” /d “%systemroot%” /i /normal explorer.exe

This seems like something that ccleaner should catch.

Already included in Ccleaner under 'Advanced Windows Files'.

Untick it after using it (in other words don't leave it checked)

Either reboot afterwards or restart Windows Explorer.

Tray Notifications Cache - This cache stores information about any items that have ever appeared in your System Tray, and whether or not you have set them to Hide, Hide When Inactive, or Always Show.
