trifecta: Hacker exploits IE8, Firefox, Safari
Posted by Ryan Naraine @ 5:40 pm
VANCOUVER, BC ? It took a while longer but Microsoft?s Internet Explorer 8 did not survive the hacker onslaught at this year?s CanSecWest Pwn2Own contest.
[ ALSO SEE: Pwn2Own 2009: Safari/MacBook falls in seconds ]
A security researcher named ?Nils? (he declined to provide his full name) performed a clean drive-by download attack against the world?s most widely used browser to take full control of a Sony Vaio machine running Windows 7.
He won a cash prize and got to keep the hardware. Details of the vulnerability, which was described by contest sponsor TippingPoint ZDI as a ?brilliant IE8 bug!? are being kept under wraps.
We definitely need guys like this on our side... Helping the developers keep their software safe and secure.
I'd like to present the winner with a prize alright.