I think I've been adopted...

Yep, I have a new little buddy that seems to have "adopted" me as her (his?) new momma. I'm not sure if it's a boy or a girl...haven't been able to get quite that close yet...but it made it's presence known shortly after our neighbors moved out about a month ago. We're not sure if it's a coincidence or if they just decided to live this little guy behind. It's only about 4 or 5 months old and skittish but getting better. These past 3 days have been the turning point, so to speak, as it's been staying under our carport most of the time rather than running off and disappearing like it had been the past couple of weeks. Isn't she (he? lol) a cutie though? And it's got the tiniest meow ever...reminds me of my other cat when he was a kitten.


Oh look at those ears! He or she is still not sure about what's going on here.

Reminds me of many years back some people left their 2 angoras for us to watch, when they left we found a beautiful young calico hiding out back, had no idea where he/she came from.

Hmmmm, she was dumped on us, we had her ~18 years, best cat we ever had.

Awww it was nice of you guys to take her in. Sometimes the ones who are "dumped" on you are the ones that steal your heart the most.

Here's another pic of my little one. A little more relaxed I think...but those ears are huge lol


Any name on he/she?

We kids jumped the gun and called her "TomCat", wooops, but the name stuck.


I've started calling it King Julian because it's tail reminds me of the Lemur in Madagascar. lol But if it turns out to be a girl, then I guess her name will be Julian...or maybe K.J. Of course mom may chime in with something different so we'll see once we find out if it's a girl or boy.

Hey Lulu !

You are correct when you "You" have been adopted,like the old saying Dogs have owners Cats have staff,

Cats seem to adopt me as well,I hope you can keep her and give her a good home,sorry i said she but we don`t know if "she`s" a boy !,what ever name you give I usually find that they have another name that comes along after knowing them for a while,

Thanks for showing the pictures :)

Oh mom and I are definitely "staff" to the cats. Actually, come to think of it, we're staff to the dogs too. Don't ask me how that one happened though. LOL

And it looks like the "she" just may be a he, but I still can't tell yet. She tends to keep herself positioned so that she can always see me...even when she's eating. So we'll just keep going with a solid "we don't know yet" on that one. haha

Yeah I'm pretty sure now that it's a boy. lol But mom doesn't like King Julian as his name so we'll see what she comes up with. Here's another pic...


Yeah I'm pretty sure now that it's a boy. lol But mom doesn't like King Julian as his name so we'll see what she comes up with. Here's another pic...


What about Mort or Maurice? :P Nice looking cat though, its fur is beautiful.

Haha I like Mort! But I'm not sure mom would go for it.

And yes, his coat is gorgeous. Just wish I could pet him! lol

You could name it Tiddles. Great name awesome history.

If she/he turns its head when you call Tiddles! you have a name, :P

Oh Tiddles is cute!! lol But mom and I finally agreed on a name. So here is Scoots McGee, aka Scooter :) ...


Pretty kitten. :)

I agree. And he's finally warmed up to me...follows me around and lets me pet him and scratch behind his ears. He's such a sweetie.


I've started calling it King Julian because it's tail reminds me of the Lemur in Madagascar. lol But if it turns out to be a girl, then I guess her name will be Julian...or maybe K.J. Of course mom may chime in with something different so we'll see once we find out if it's a girl or boy.

Geezzz you've got me thinking about that old cat, we later just called her "TC". A really sweet cat but never meowed for many years, took her in once to the vet years later he was SHOCKED, x-rays showed she'd been shot with a shotgun with small shot (like bird shot), ~10+ hits that missed every vital organ, a miracle. We had her from 1966-1984 (+/-).

Amazing too later in life she got a soft meow back. Things you remember about pets like total and unconditional love. (too rare in some humans)

Wow she was a lucky cat, that's for sure! I can't believe she had been shot. You have to wonder what is wrong with people. I'm so glad you guys took her in though. Sounds like she had a great life and was loved very much.

Wow she was a lucky cat, that's for sure! I can't believe she had been shot. You have to wonder what is wrong with people. I'm so glad you guys took her in though. Sounds like she had a great life and was loved very much.

Yes she did. We got her when I was ~16, years later at the vet he called us back to see the xrays, you could see little dots all over that tiny film, amazing.

She was a great cat and a good "mouse hunter"! Thankfully she took all of her "trophies" outside.

I had 4 younger brothers, she'd follow them to the school bus stop and meet them at the bus when they got home.

What a cat.

Awwww!! I love cats who are so loyal. My cat Mittens (may she rest in peace), used to wait for me by the patio door when I'd get out of school. And when she was a kitten, she used to take baths with me. As she got older, she'd hack you to bits if you brought her near water, but she loved it when she was a wee one. I miss her.

We've made lots of progress with Scooter, and it seems as though he's become a patio cat. He's growing so fast!
