Sorry for my bad english.
I accidentaly permanently deleted some (most of the) folders in D: drive, so i tried to recover them with recuva, until then no problem (unless by the fact that i was going to get a lot of very old deleted files with the accidentaly deleted, but this is a minor problem), but i dont have a second HD, so i recovered the files to the same drive, and the problem is:
“I wouldn’t say recovering to the same drive was a stupid risk, but you were risking overwriting some before they were recovered.” (quote from “DennisD”)<<<This happened. So what can i do now? I have really important files corrupt such as photos and videos, i can’t lose it
Is there ANY way to remake the files or “go back in time” with them? I appreciate all help.
Hi Divalnir, and welcome to the forum.
Recovering to the same drive isn't a stupid thing to do if you aren't aware of how important it is not to do that for the reason I stated in your quote above.
If some of the files you are trying to recover have been overwritten, then there isn't anything to be done as far as I'm aware. They're probably lost.
The best you can do is to scan the drive again and keep your fingers crossed that you will get positive results.
You simply must recover to another drive. A USB flash drive or even a camera card are fine for recovering files to if you don't have a second hard drive of any kind.
If possible don't do any more writing to that drive until you can either buy of borrow another drive other than the one the files are on.
I'm sorry I couldn't be more positive.