I recovered the files but...

I installed:

Recuva - File Recovery - [2008-06-11 | Freeware | 2.17 MB | Win All | 31735 | 4.19 ]

A freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted.

I have no problem recovering the files. I send them to a folder named /documents/undelete. I even saved them to a flash drive. The problem is viewing a simple text document that I am trying to recover. It opens the document but it is either scambled in code or it simply won't open. I also tried Recuva uninstall progam - same thing.

I have about 8 doc. files and 5 of them will open. The one I need WON'T!

Is it just that this particular file cannot be recovered or should I keep trying more programs?

Click the picture to see a larger view.


You could try running a deep scan in Recuva (in the Options). This will take some time, depending on the size of your disk and the speed of your machine. Then filter the zillions of files for .doc extension and recover those to a flash drive. You may be in luck.

Remember that every action you take with your disk, booting up, any activity, etc will run the risk of overwriting a deleted file making it impossible to recover, so use your pc very sparingly. Always trecover to a different medium, a flash drive is fine.

I have exactly the same problem as LazyBoye, experiencing Word.doc documents that won't open, with the same "File Convertion" box opening up whenever I try to open up a 'recovered' Word doc.

Problem is - I "lost" every sub-directory and file in the "My Documents" folder - so months, if not years of work. Don't know how, although I later discovered my Daughter had been using my PC...

.jpg's were also lost.

The directories & sub-directories were nearly all recovered, as were many word doc's, by title and extension at least.

No word docs were openable - all had the above problem.

Although .jpg extensions appeared to be recovered nothing was openable at all.

Any ideas please ??

LazyBoye - did Augeas's suggestion of a deep scan work for you ?

Many thanks - Regards - Jon

I have the same problem. Despite Recuva stating "Comment: No overwritten clusters detected," when opening any recovered .doc files with MS Word 2007, this error is displayed:

Microsoft Office Word needs a converter to display this file correctly. This feature is not currently installed. Would you like to install it now?

Similarly, opening recovered .xls files returns:

The file you are trying to open, <filename>, is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?

I've not found a single recovered file that I can open. If there are "no overwritten clusters" and Recuva does not alter the recovered data, how is it that the files are corrupted?

After some Googling, I've discovered that Windows renames files in the Recycle Bin:

In Windows Vista

C:\$Recycle.Bin\<user sid>\$Rnnnnn.ext (for actual file data)

C:\$Recycle.Bin\<user sid>\$Innnnn.ext (for index "metadata" info about a single deleted file)

In Windows XP

C:\Recycler\<user sid>\DCn.ext (for actual file data)

C:\Recycler\<user sid>\INFO2 (for "metadata" info about all deleted files)

See also

