I paid for the CCleaner business license but cannot activate

I paid for the CCleaner business license but either I didn't receive any activation code, or what I have been entering isn't the activaton code. How can I get help? HAVE I BEEN SCAMMED??

From the email:

Judy Cochran, thank you for choosing Avast Business!

Here are all the installation instructions, activation key(s) and/or license file(s) you

will need to start using your product(s).

Order Information Billing Address

Order ID:


Order Date:

4 January 2022

AVG Invoice: click here.


Judy ******







Products in Your Order

Product SKU: cbc.0.36m

Product Name: CCleaner Cloud Business - 36 Months - SC

Qty Ordered: 10

@JudyCochranI have flagged this for staff attention. (To my eye there are a few issues with that email).

This is not a Cleverbridge invoice (as would be the case for the CCleaner consumer products, or for CCleaner Cloud purchased directly from CCleaner) but looks like it could be an invoice from either Avast or a reseller selling CCleaner Cloud on our behalf.

I note that a ticket was raised with support earlier today. The CCleaner Cloud specialists are mainly working the US timezones, so someone should respond shortly with some help getting started with converting the trial to the full paid version.

@JudyCochran: Either the order confirmation email (or an accompanying "what to do with your key" email) should have included a note that you need to go to https://www.ccleanercloud.com/activation to enter the activation key. If that rather important piece of information was missing from your order confirmation email (or present but not readily obvious when perusing it) then I apologise for the confusion that was caused.

The team is following this up with Sales Operations now to remedy for future communications. I just rechecked your ticket now at it looks like the support team responded to your email with the activation link at about the same time as I was writing my previous message - so I hope that this has sorted things out for you.

On 01/03/2022 at 18:00, Dave CCleaner said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents" data-gramm="false">
		<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/98410-judycochran/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="98410" href="<___base_url___>/profile/98410-judycochran/" id="ips_uid_9858_6" rel="">@JudyCochran</a>: Either the order confirmation email (or an accompanying "what to do with your key" email) should have included a note that you need to go to <a href="https://www.ccleanercloud.com/activation" rel="external">https://www.ccleanercloud.com/activation</a> to enter the activation key.  If that rather important piece of information was missing from your order confirmation email (or present but not readily obvious when perusing it) then I apologise for the confusion that was caused. 

		The team is following this up with Sales Operations now to remedy for future communications.  I just rechecked your ticket now at it looks like the support team responded to your email with the activation link at about the same time as I was writing my previous message - so I hope that this has sorted things out for you.

Yes, but at the activation address you sent above, I get this: Activation code [ACTIVATION CODE REMOVED] has already been used." Any further suggestion, please?

Hi @JudyCochran I can confirm that we've identified the cause of this issue and it has been corrected.

As of now, the subscription has been activated and no further action should be required.

However if you need anything else, please let us know; we'll be more than happy to help!

Hi, I am also looking for the same issue solution as given in below link:


can someone please help me in this regard?

Thanks in Advance

This is a 2-year old topic, things have changed since then.

Have you purchased CCleaner Cloud (For businesses) or are you asking about the new Cloud Drive Cleaner in CCleaner for home use?

Either way please start a new thread with details of what you are trying to do and what you are seeing
