i need help to exclude

i need instructions to exclude a registry key. it is a "HKEY_CLASSES" key and these are not listed on the automatic dropdown key list in options on the home page of CCleaner. i need to exclude this key to prevent loss of my antivirus/spyware subscription and the corresponding alert. :(

You'll have to input it manually, here's how:

  1. Start CCleaner then click Options->Advanced, and place a tick onto Save all settings to INI file, then close CCleaner.
  2. Start Notepad and open the following file with Notepad:

    C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.ini

  3. In the CCleaner.ini file go to the end of it and input:

    Exclude1=REG|Short HKEY Name Goes Here\Your Actual Excluded Registry Key Goes Here

  4. Now save CCleaner.ini and close the Notepad window.
  5. Start CCleaner then run the registry cleaner to see if it still detects the key you've exluded - it shouldn't anymore.

An actual working example exclusion, using the short HKEY name for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:


Note: If you have other exclusions you'll obviously have to use a different exclude number, for example Exclude2, etc.

You'll have to input it manually, here's how:

  1. Start CCleaner then click Options->Advanced, and place a tick onto Save all settings to INI file, then close CCleaner.

  2. Start Notepad and open the following file with Notepad:

    C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.ini

  3. In the CCleaner.ini file go to the end of it and input:

    Exclude1=REG|Short HKEY Name Goes Here\Your Actual Excluded Registry Key Goes Here

  4. Now save CCleaner.ini and close the Notepad window.

  5. Start CCleaner then run the registry cleaner to see if it still detects the key you've exluded - it shouldn't anymore.

An actual working example exclusion, using the short HKEY name for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:


Note: If you have other exclusions you'll obviously have to use a different exclude number, for example Exclude2, etc.

thanx i'll try it

You'll have to input it manually, here's how:

  1. Start CCleaner then click Options->Advanced, and place a tick onto Save all settings to INI file, then close CCleaner.

  2. Start Notepad and open the following file with Notepad:

    C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.ini

  3. In the CCleaner.ini file go to the end of it and input:

    Exclude1=REG|Short HKEY Name Goes Here\Your Actual Excluded Registry Key Goes Here

  4. Now save CCleaner.ini and close the Notepad window.

  5. Start CCleaner then run the registry cleaner to see if it still detects the key you've exluded - it shouldn't anymore.

An actual working example exclusion, using the short HKEY name for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:


Note: If you have other exclusions you'll obviously have to use a different exclude number, for example Exclude2, etc.

i'm having trouble, okay, so i really don't know how to use notepad, but i got #1 done right :lol:

I got a PM from Hazelnut and noticed this registry key in it:


If that is the key you need to protect, here's new instructions:

  1. Start CCleaner then click Options->Advanced, and place a tick onto Save all settings to INI file, then close CCleaner.
  2. Start Notepad and open the following file with Notepad:

    C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.ini

  3. In the CCleaner.ini file go to the end of it and input (just copy and paste these):



  4. Now save CCleaner.ini using Notepad's File->Save, and then close the Notepad window.
  5. Start CCleaner then run the registry cleaner to see if it still detects the keys you've excluded - it shouldn't anymore.

Remember if you already have exclusions in CCleaner's registry cleaner that you'll have to number them properly.

Will CCleaner ever have a simple exclusion checkbox system instead of having to type in entire registry names, etc.? :(

Will CCleaner ever have a simple exclusion checkbox system instead of having to type in entire registry names, etc.? :(

I really wish it did have exactly what you're asking about because on several occasions it hasn't let me exclude a registry key via the CCleaner GUI, hence the above directions of inputting it manually when that happens.

To tell you the truth, I find it easier memorizing all the regs it finds and just looking for newer ones than having to go through the hassle of writing down each registry and typing them into exclusion since Copy and Paste is not even an option.

The only thing though is CCleaner isn't going to produce a horde of registry keys that need excluded, so for me the few I do exclude were of no real issue to manually type into ccleaner.ini plus it beats accidentally removing a key that's needed.

To tell you the truth, I find it easier memorizing all the regs it finds and just looking for newer ones than having to go through the hassle of writing down each registry and typing them into exclusion since Copy and Paste is not even an option.

You can copy and paste a reg entry into CCleaner by using the method in the second part of this post. Unless you come across the exceptions mentioned by Andavari, it works fine.

You can also do the "Issues" scan, and right click the entry you want to exclude, and select "Open In Regedit", and then copy and paste.
