Alright I got a pretty good idea!
I have gotten a couple of requests in the past from people that they want the freeware thread to be organized so it will be easier to find what your looking for. Then I got to thinking last night about a good way to do it, and I think I have it. But I need some help.
I'm going to go through the freeware thread and organize it by category but thats a lot of work. So I'm hoping a few people will be willing to help. I will do the first two pages if some people are willing to do the others.(I'm hoping at least 4 other people are willing to volunteer so each one can just do a page)
All you will have to do is post which page your doing here(just so multiple pages aren't being done by multiple people) and then go through that page and organize the software by category. You do not have to do anything other then go through and copy down each program and put them in categories by software type(office, antimalware, ect.) Don't worry about the reviews that the person wrote, I will go through and correct misspellings, errors, ect.(or just change ones that are not so good) Here is an example of what I'm hoping to get:
(these are ones I posted, I will of course redo my pisspoor descriptions)
Office Software
Open Office 2.0
A replacement to ms office and a money saver.
The best free word processor around. Deffinately needed by open office users.
Mozilla Firefox (eldmannen posted this one)
Great web browser, free, open-source. Secure, safe, tabbed browsing. Can disable Java, Javascript, third-party cookies, third-party loading of images, etc (to get rid of banners), it blocks popups, etc.
Maxthon (Browser)
The best IE shell ever. When you HAVE to use IE why not make it like firefox. Features tabbed browsing, skinnable interface, and mouse gestures.
After I get all of the pages like that I will then copy them all into one big list and redo any not so good descriptions, and then make them in a unified format. I also plan to put in small letters next to each program listed submitted by: with a link to that persons profile, that should help to ensure that this remains a community involved thing.(to the people that will hopefully be helping me with this I will worry about the posters names, so you don't need to bother with that.)
Then once its all done I will run it through NVU and post the link at the bottom to a downloadable HTML document. This should be a great resource!
To the ones that want to help post here and say what page you want to do. You can organize them in notepad, openoffice, abiword,ms word I dont care. Then once your done PM me and I will give you my email and all you have to do is email me your list. No rush in getting this done either.
Also what do you all think? Is this something you would want?
Also I forgot to mention that I will also be going through the software part of the forum and adding in anything that was posted there and not in the freeware thread.(I know I'm the main culprit of this). I will of course not get everything but I'll do my best to get most of it.