I love this program

Just had to drop a note that I really like this program :wub: ALOT..... :rolleyes:

That's all........ I really like the program cause it cleans out so much that was being missed in my other scanning programs, especially all those pesky registry programs.... this one seems to work much better. B)

It's already pulled out some things that were just going wacky...... and it and Norton don't seem to butt heads like some software......

Ciao, dolls!

Glad you like CCleaner, as for Norton...

No comment. :mellow:

Glad you came and tried out the software. It is an awesome piece of software. It's free and we're all Thanxful for that.

As for Norton...

No comment. :mellow:

lol, same here... :rolleyes:

Norton is widely regarded as piece of crap.

Norton is widely regarded as piece of crap.

Now come on, don't beat about the bush. Say what you think. :lol:

Norton is widely regarded as piece of crap.

It makes more sense than you most of the time :)

It makes more sense than you most of the time :)

Norton is infamous for their piece of crap software which is bloated, huge, resource hogging dumb skinned software that refuse to properly uninstall itself. With Norton Internet Security, if you chatted on IRC, all it took for someone to disconnect you was to say "start keylogger" lol. :D